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He almost did an abrupt one-eighty. Almost. Her intense appeal took him by surprise and that was one strike against her. He didn’t want a wife who appealed physically. And this woman was a little bit of perfection, abronzed goddess crowned with raven hair. Unfortunately, she reminded him all too much of his latewife.

Carina excelled at passion and drama and possessed an explosive temper that vacillated between joy and tears moment to moment. He never knew who’d meet him at the door, an overwrought Carina or her melodramatictwin.

Whomever he chose tonight would offer peace and quiet. Serenity. Someone low-key and dependable. Someone who would be a loving mother to Toni and leave him the hell alone. An undemanding woman who’d hold her emotions in check and be rational and reasonable and easy-going. Harmless.

Someone as beautiful and sexy as the miniature goddess had to be a drama queen, accustomed to getting her own way with a sultry wink and a come-hither smile.

When he’d walked out of the maze after his conversation with his father, he’d sworn nothing would induce him to attend the Cinderella Ball. Until he'd really started paying attention to his daughter in the weeks leading up to the Ball, weeks in which he watched her disappear further and further into her fantasy life. Not only had he changed his mind, but he’d been grateful his father had forced the issue.

Brand glanced over his shoulder and swore beneath his breath. The wind kicked up between them, sending debris swirling in a diminutive whirling dervish. She still stood there, steadfast, like a calm oasis amid a torrent of chaos. Instead of fighting the wind, she matched the gusts, her movement allowing her to withstand the unexpected gale. He longed to be in her presence, feel her respite when turbulence surrounded him. To relax for the first time in years. To find peace.


Brand turned around and shoved his way upstream until he stood in front of her. She was slightly under medium height, coming up to his chin. Her dark blue dress continued to whip in the wind, and she clutched her skirt against the threatening gale. Somehow, her raven black hair remained fixed in a loose knot at the base of her neck, curled tendrils escaping in controlled chaos. The wind teased the coils, causing them to caress her pink cheeks and play against the base of her neck. Her hazel eyes, an unexpected burst of green and radiant gold, met his. She was divine.

But her stillness captured his attention more than any other quality. The tension within slowly unwound as though everything about her soothed it. Even her dark blue ensemble somehow managed to radiate calmness, though her breath quickened, drawing his attention to gloriously full, rounded breasts.

“Come on.” He held out his hand and waited to see what she’ddo.

For an instant she stared at him with a cool, tranquil gaze. The golden-brown green of her hazel eyes, expertly made up in shades of autumn, gave nothing away. He’d have sworn he’d never seen eyes quite like hers before and yet they were unexpectedly familiar. She smiled hesitantly, causing small laugh lines to emphasize their beautiful almond shape. It was adorable and endearing and—damn it—tempted him to kissher.

She took his hand in hers. “I’m Mia.”

Mia.La Mia.Mine in Italian. He lifted an eyebrow, her softly accented voice sending sparks through his gut despite the fact that the Italian rippling through her simple words was far too reminiscent of Carina.

She reminded him of a moonlit night filled with the soft scent of flowers, flowers that preferred the darkness when releasing their tantalizing aromas. Jasmine and moonflowers and primrose. Her eyes were like golden stars, her hair like the deep palate that held those stars in the sky, her complexion as soft and creamy as moonlight.

“I’m Brand,” he finally informedher.

She didn’t say another word, but for some reason he found her silence neither odd nor unsettling. It relaxed him. She moved alongside of him with the slightest hitch to her gait. He instantly adjusted his stride to match her slower one. Had she been injured at some point or was it a temporary issue?

He debated continuing the silence, but he had questions. Lots of questions. The sooner they sorted things out between them, the better.

“I assume you’re here to marry,” he began.


He paused, lifting an eyebrow. “Possibly?”

Most people would react to his tone, if not to the eyebrow. The eyebrow alone could reduce some to tears. Not Mia. She remained immovable. “I’ll marry if I find the right person.”

“Fair enough. What are your criteria?”

She shot him another of those sweet smiles. “A bit soon for that question, don’t you think? We haven’t even walked through the doors yet.”

“It’s the perfect time for that question.” He resorted to logic. “If our requirements aren’t compatible, better to know now.”

“By your tone, I’m assuming love isn’t on the list.”

She didn’t phrase it as a question, and he inclined his head at her astute observation. “No.”

She took a moment to absorb the solitary word, his biting tone, and the implications behind it. “So, you’ve been burned by love, Itake it?” she murmured.

“Yes. Let me guess. You, on the other hand, want romance with all the trimmings.” Damn. That wouldn’t work. He couldn’t do it. Wouldn’t do it. “If so, Ican’t give you that. If you’re looking for a soul deep romance, we’ll have to part ways.”

She took a deep breath, drawing his attention to her breasts again. Asingle word hopped into his head again.Glorious. “Why don’t we get through the reception line and find a place to sit and share a drink? We can discuss what you want and need versus what I want and need.” She lifted a gently arched eyebrow, an eyebrow almost as powerful as his own. Impressive. “Would that work?”

“Sure.” He sensed she wasn’t always this brave, but chose to be in this instance. Admiration built that she tackled something difficult with such composure.
