Page 24 of Demanded Submission

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“Direct. That’s good. I’m Jagger. I’m one of the men who will protect you. You’ll hear this in your introduction, but no one touches the merchandise. If anyone bothers you, all you need to do is let me, Stone over there, or Colt know, and we’ll take care of the situation.”

“Jagger. Stone. Colt. You guys should be depicted in romance novels.”

His laugh was hearty. I had a feeling I’d like this guy. “I’ll take that as a compliment. I heard you had a little attitude on you. That will prove to be helpful.”

“Hmmm… I’m not sure I like that.”

His grin was knowing. “I’ll take you to Ginger.”

Why did I have the distinct feeling he knew exactly who I was and why I was here? I almost backed out then chastised myself. I’d been a damn good waitress while attending college. Granted, it had been at a honkytonk bar, not a club for the wealthy, but I could do anything if I put my mind to it.

He led me inside past another huge dude and once I walked down a long corridor, the room I entered reminded me of being in Disneyland. There were neon lights everyone, strings of them floating down from the ceiling, walls covered with various sharks and flamingos. Even the bar was backlit with them.

Employees were wearing costumes, every one of them lit. Some were even flashing. There were dozens of standing tables, all made of acrylic tops allowing another warm glow of sparkling lights. Even the drinks had a neon straw nestled inside. There were also blacklights everywhere, creating gothic shadows and the dance floor was one of the largest I’d ever seen. I noticed a DJ in a booth far above the crowd, the snazzy dressed buff man dancing to the powerful thumping music.

I hadn’t realized I’d made gasped loud enough to be heard over the almost tribal music until he laughed.

“You haven’t been in the club before, have you?”

“No. This is amazing.”

“You haven’t seen anything yet. Come on. Ginger will give you a tour.”

My hands were like ice as he led me toward a hallway to a set of locked doors. Using a keycode, he gained access. The quiet as soon as the door closed behind us was unnerving. The area must be soundproofed. I couldn’t imagine the amount of money spent on building the club itself.

He tapped on a partially closed door before pushing it open.

The girl on the other side wasn’t what I’d expected, although at this point, I was certain I’d be wrong about everything.

“Your new employee,” Jagger said with amusement still in his tone. Did everybody know I’d slept with the boss? That wouldn’t bode well for being the new girl or with being accepted.

“Thanks, Jag. I’ll take it from here.”

“Remember what I said,” he told me before walking out.

Ginger moved closer. “Stunning.”

“I’m sorry?”

“I was told you were stunning and Jameson is right. You’ll be an instant hit with the customers.”

“I, um… I hope I’m getting this job because I’m qualified. I don’t want any handouts. As a matter of fact, maybe there’s been some kind of mistake. I’m not that kind of girl. I don’t do kink. I wouldn’t even know what a St. Christopher’s cross looks like let alone want to be strapped to it. I’m not into pain, although I’ve heard with pain comes pleasure, but I don’t know if I believe that so… So, I’ll just shut up now.” I rambled when I was nervous and I’d crossed over into being terrified.

She chuckled. “First of all, you’re working the Blackout Club side of Carnal Sins, not the kinky side. Second, while physical beauty is a positive trait that helps our girls and guys make higher tips, I don’t hire on looks alone. Third, and hopefully Jagger told you this already. I don’t allow any of my people to be touched inappropriately. I also don’t allow dating amongst the ranks. This is a fun club with an amazing reputation and I won’t allow that to be tarnished.”

Uh-oh. I’d already broken at least one rule, although I’d hardly call Jameson amongst the ranks. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Please. I don’t call my mother ma’am. I’m Ginger. And lastly although just as important,” she said as she walked closer. “But so you know, it’s called a St. Andrew’s cross.” She grinned mischievously and I knew instantly I was going to like her.


“It’s alright. I’m sure Jameson will provide you with a tour of the other side of my world. It’s good to know what we offer but you will never be forced to submit. Okay? I wanted to make certain you understand that.”

I shuddered when she used the word. That’s what I’d already done, submitted to Jameson. “Okay. Thank you.”

“Relax. We do try and have fun here. Let’s get the nasty paperwork squared away. Then I’ll give you a uniform and take you on a tour. Tonight you’ll be shadowing both one of our bartenders and one of the servers. If you’re comfortable, you can take a table or two. Then I’ll get you on the schedule.”

I felt relieved more than anything.

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