Page 38 of Demanded Submission

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Rational thoughts had been tossed out the window.

First, I’d claimed possession of her. Then I’d become determined to allow her to enter into my world.

In bringing Alexandra to my house, I was subjecting myself to possible angst or difficulties in business later on. I was a private man, usually preferring to spend my nights alone. Sadly, the last few weeks had me questioning my reasons why I hadn’t been able to move on after the hearing about Pamela’s death. We’d broken up long before, but news of her passing had hit me hard, a reminder that I wasn’t getting any younger.

As with saving Alexandra’s life before, the decision to open a portion of my privacy wasn’t something I’d planned or thought through. But with her questions, her curiosity, my cock had spoken for me.

She’d remained flirtatious through dinner, although our conversation had turned to intellectual discussions regarding typical topics for two people getting to know each other. While she was timid with regard to the club and what she’d called ‘creepy proclivities,’ that’s where her reticent side remained. In everything else, she was a woman on the edge. Her opinions were based in knowledge, not on what she’d learned on social media.

I found our banter and her exuberance refreshing as well as surprising. What she refused to talk about was almost everything about her past other than her love of horses, dogs, and just about every other animal on the planet. Her insistence that her past would remain there told me in no uncertain terms she’d run from something traumatic. Maybe her parents’ divorce was the reason but a slight nagging in the back of my mind told me otherwise.

Maybe she was ready to sow her wild oats finally after living such a conservative life. Who was I to judge or condemn her for wanting to start a new life entirely on her own?

I’d left her alone on the deck while I’d made us a drink, hoping to calm her nerves. My house wasn’t grandiose in Miami’s terms, an older house in a quaint neighborhood that had long ago been considered for the wealthy and powerful. It suited my needs, which were simple. Plus, I’d spent time and money on making repairs and renovations, although I had a ways to go before I’d consider the project finished.

When I walked to the open set of sliding doors, I took a few seconds to watch as she enjoyed the ocean view front, stars providing a slightly blueish glow across the ocean water. She sensed my presence, tipping her head to the side. I could smell her fear, which had a distinct scent, but she was also excited, her eagerness to learn keeping the sadist in me close to the surface. However, she wasn’t like submissives employed in my club. With her lack of experience, whatever I considered would need to be done carefully.

The term ‘playing with fire’ was never far from my mind. She was my employee after all. Eventually, someone would talk or notice a distinct behavioral difference. While being the owner should mean I couldn’t care less, I honored the rules not only by requiring them but by living them.

“You didn’t lie to me. You don’t live in a mansion,” she said absently as I flanked her side. “This is far better.”

I handed her the cognac, her request another slight surprise, taking a quick glance at the quiet beach. “I’m glad you approve. Besides, I’m not in the habit of lying and glamour and opulence doesn’t suit my style.”

“But you have all the money in the world. What do you do with it?” She took the glass from my hand, our fingers touching. The crackle of electricity was the same as before, intense enough she murmured something under her breath. “Is that too personal?”

Snickering, I resisted fingering the strand of hair that continuously whipped across her face. “No, that’s not too personal. My bankers are happy. I invest and reinvest.”

“How intelligent of you, but that’s no way to live. You only live once, you know.”

“It’s what I know and how I grew up. My parents didn’t have a lot of money, so we learned the value of everything we owned.” I hadn’t told anyone about how I’d been brought up, including Pamela. Mostly because it had never come up. This girl was terrified to let her guard down.

“No wonder you’re so grounded. Very admirable.”

I leaned over the railing, contemplating whether or not her assumption was correct. “I learned a long time ago that money isn’t about happiness or the future. Yes, it provides security, but it can also be damning.”

“Everyone wants a piece of you.”


“I wouldn’t mind experiencing living a lavish lifestyle for a little while, but in the end, I love the mountains and where I grew up. Miami is beautiful but could never be my home.”

“Never say never.”

“Too cliché, Mr. Stark.”

“But something to remember, Ms. Kingston. I’m curious about your cousin. What’s her name?”

“Charlotte, although she goes by Char now. Evidently Charlotte is too passé for her job.”

“Her last name?” Red flags continued to rise.

She eyed me curiously. “You want to check her out. Don’t you?”

Shrugging, I wasn’t going to lie to her. “I’m concerned about you living in that building. Only the rich can afford the kind of condominium where she lives.”

“Don’t be concerned about Charlotte. She wouldn’t hurt me.” When she looked away briefly, I sensed her trepidation as well.
