Page 58 of Demanded Submission

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“We didn’t mean nothing by it,” his worthless companion said.

I laughed. “And what exactly did you mean?”

“Let him go, Jameson. The putz isn’t worth it.” While Jagger’s words of wisdom registered, I’d had enough of rich kids who were constantly let off the hook.

While a part of me wanted to snap the kid’s neck, Jagger was right. I let him go, backing away and immediately heading for Alexandra. “Danner. Call the police. Let them deal with this scum. And take the keys.”

Jagger grinned, shaking his head. I knew I’d be forced to deal with a shitstorm on my hands by having the judge’s son arrested, but what did I care?

“Come on. Let’s get you inside.” I wrapped my arm around her waist, easing her into the door.

“What is it about men who won’t take no for an answer?” she asked before I led her through the foyer of the club headed for my office. I waited until we were in the quiet of the private hallway before answering her.

“Because they grew up with silver spoons in their mouths. Did they hurt you?”

“No. The jerks just refused to take no for an answer. I can’t believe they followed me from my apartment.”

“They did what?” What the guys had done was wrong on every level, but I didn’t see them as the type to follow her all the way to the club then accost her. “You’re certain it was them?”

“A black SUV trailed behind me. I thought I lost them.”

I led her into my office, still seething. “Either they anticipated what you were doing, or you had two stalkers this afternoon. Either way, you’re not returning to your condominium.”

“That’s not possible,” she half whispered but from the change in her expression, my gut told me she already believed there’d been two possible assailants. “I need to be with Charlotte, especially after what happened.” Her eyes opened wide for a few seconds, realizing she’d put her foot in her mouth. “Shit.”

“What happened?”

“Nothing really.”

I gently pulled her by her arm, tugging her in front of me. “Talk to me.”

“You’ll be angry with me.”

“I’ll be angrier with you if you don’t explain.”

Alexandra grimaced. “Charlotte was dumped off at the apartment by guys in a dark SUV. She was banged up pretty badly. She refused to tell me what was going on. However, one of Diego’s men stopped by, acting as if he was sent by the cartel bastard to check on her. The fucker even brought roses. I threw him out.”

“You did what?”

“I…” She sighed as she looked at me, faking doe eyes. “I don’t take men barging into where I live kindly.”

“Uh-huh.” I glanced away, realizing she had no understanding of the people she was messing with. “I originally thought you had a death wish. Now, I know you do.”

“That’s not it. I just refuse to allow anyone to be abusive under any circumstances. I had enough of that in my life.” By the look on her face, I sensed either her father or a love interest had been more than just vicious.

I gave her a stern look, waiting for her to come to terms with what could have occurred. “I put myself on their radar. Didn’t I?”

“Absolutely. Neither Diego nor his followers take kindly to anyone attempting to tell them what to do. Especially a woman. In their world, women are used for fucking and creating heirs and nothing else.”

“I’m sorry, sir, but she was crying and bleeding. I didn’t know what else to do. If you need to punish me, then do it.”

While it was tempting and something she needed, that wasn’t going to happen just after she’d been accosted. “I will but only when you tell me you’re ready.”

She looked at me quizzically. “I’m supposed to tell you?”


Her nervous laugh pulled at the protective man inside of me all over again. Whatever claim this girl had over me, it was getting stronger. “Fine. Now, can I go to work? I don’t want to disappoint Ginger.”
