Page 138 of Abduction

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She laughed.

Oh, that was damn amusing. No one in their unit ran wild.

“Yeah, that’s not how that works, Tommy. That’s not even close. We don’t swing all over the place. Someone lied to you about my marriage. I’m going to say you believe what the tabloids say.”

“So you don’t have foursome orgies.”

“Okay, that’s actually true,” she said, laughing. “What? It is.”

He didn’t understand any of this.

“He’s going to sleep with Ethan. They are still in love with each other.”

She shrugged.

“I know they are still in love. Gene is special to him. I’ve known that for a long-ass time.”

“How does that not bother you?”

Well, that was simple.

“I trust my husband. I know he won’t hurt me, and I won’t hurt him. When I would see Dakota, or hold him when he needed someone, Ethan knew I wouldn’t sleep with him. Callen and Chris know the same thing. I’m faithful to my partners. If my husband had the inclination to climb into bed with Gene, I can assure you, I’d be the first person he’d tell. Until he says, I want to fuck my ex, it’s not on my to-do list.”

Ethan had been cheated on. He was the LAST person who would do that to her. In their marriage, fidelity mattered. Chris cheated on her, and that broke them. Callen cheated with Ethan’s girlfriend at the time, and that broke them. They all knew the cost.

No one was willing to pay that price.

At her explanation, he just sat there.

“I don’t understand any of this.”

To her, it was crystal clear who had trust issues in their relationship, and it wasn’t Gene.

“But they had seven years together. That’s a long time to be in a relationship.”

She glanced over at him.

Well, she had news for Tommy.

“And we’ve had over ten. If we’re going by numbers, then why should I be worried? By that alone, I’m secure. I’m also secure because I know Ethan wouldn’t hurt me. We have faith in each other.”

Tommy still didn’t understand that.

“But he was kissing him. Your husband was holding my man, and their mouths were connected. That’s breaking the rules.”

She blinked.

“Whose rules?” she asked. “Did you and Gene make up a list before you slept together? Before you got your kink on?”

He stared at her.

There was a mix between shock and curiosity if she was just guessing.

She wasn’t.

“I know all about Ethan and Gene’s sex life before we got together. I know what his kink is. I’m sure Gene knows what Ethan’s is too. Gene and I are a lot alike in bed. We’re both bottoms.”

Tommy stared at her for a couple of reasons.
