Page 144 of Abduction

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She dropped the bomb.

“I have no other choice. I need her mother here. Kidnap me an elderly woman.”

Axelle laughed.

Until she didn’t hear Elizabeth laughing, and got that sick feeling she wasn’t kidding.

“Wait. Are you BS’ing me? You really want me to make her mother materialize?”

“I told you this yesterday. I want to have someone in case we need leverage.”

“I really thought you were busting my balls. This is insane. You want me to use a US citizen, an elderly woman with dementia as collateral to lure out her scheming daughter?”

“Uh, yeah?”

Axelle laughed.

And laughed.

And laughed.

“I’m getting an ulcer. You’ve finally gone and done it, LaRue.”

Oh, boy.

Her maiden name.

“It’s just in case. Listen, if she gets someone, I think she’ll sell them out to the Russian. He’s a bad dude. He kills more indiscriminately than our Hunters. He’s into guns, drugs, and gambling. We don’t know when he’s coming, but we need a backup plan. Worse comes to worst if she gets…say, Maura, we have her mom. Checkmate. Know what I mean?”

She thought about it.

Honestly, it wasn’t like Elizabeth was going to put her into a suicide vest and drop her in a warehouse to blow.

She hoped not.

“I mean, we can ‘borrow’ her. We’ll have a very short window. I might be able to bring in a hacker, and have her access the system from a van to get us some intel on Artemis.”

Now, she was talking.

“If someone you loved was in a nursing home, and you were out of the area, you’d have a way for them to reach you, right?”

She knew what she’d do.

“The CIA would have trained her to have a dedicated phone ONLY for that one call. She’d keep it on her at all times in case something happened to mom.”

Elizabeth had a plan, but it was foul. It was lower than she wanted to go, but as she’d learned, when they go low, you go even lower.

She was getting home to her kids.


“Borrow her. See if we can transport her down here without anyone knowing. If we can, we’ll put her in a nice hotel, and keep her safe. If we don’t need Artie’s mommy, we put her back.”

“And if we need her?”

“Then, we use her.”

“I don’t like the way that sounds.”
