Page 154 of Abduction

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He blinked, and at first, there was confusion.

Uh, she wasn’t working a case.

There weren’t supposed to be any bodies.

Only, he knew his wife.

“Yes. Of course.”

She knew she could trust him to catch on.

“Well, the ME here is busting my balls, and he won’t release the police commissioner that was tortured and killed. I need all four bodies. Can you please tell him that we know it’s not procedure unless another ME is here to sign him out, but that I’m very reputable?”

He tried not to laugh.

“Oh, well, absolutely, my love. Put him on.”

When she turned the phone, the man waiting was starstruck. He’d had a call with Doctor Christopher Leonard once before.


Chris stopped him.

“Can I ask why you’re busting my wife’s balls?” he asked, and now it was Elizabeth’s turn to try not to laugh. “What is the holdup? I’m here at the morgue, and I’m ready to work on those bodies.”

“But she can’t…”

Chris did the dance.

“I know procedure. Fax over whatever it is that you need me to sign, and I’ll take care of it. Really.”

The man hesitated.

“Doctor, she’s the Deputy Director of the FBI. The next person she’s calling is the President of the United States. She’ll do it, and then, you’re losing your job. The man is bitchy.”

That seemed to work.

“I’ll send it over right now,” he said as Elizabeth handed him a card with the number.

“I’ll wait,” Chris offered.

The man hauled ass.

“Handsome, if you didn’t have bowel on your neck, I’d kiss you,” she said.

He laughed.

“Darn. Are you okay, sweetness?” he asked, keeping his voice low.

“Yeah, but it’s a mess here. We’re up to our eyeballs, and Artemis sold out The Hunters. She got intel on Maura, Jagger, and Mamba. I have to stay and protect them.”

He didn’t like that.

“Bethe, don’t get hurt,” he said. “For Christ’s sake, I can’t deal with that.”

She kissed her phone, not caring that Tommy was sitting on a bench not far away.

Moving away, she lowered her voice.
