Page 161 of Abduction

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There was only one woman he wanted.

From her spot at the island, Merry was giggling.

“Perhaps is she a redhead?”

Dakota was leaning on the island, grinning.

“Did you toss her onto the bar and sully the seediest place in the world up?”

“Shut up,” he said, trying not to laugh.


They were all in on it now.

“Someone got laid, and it’s about goddamn time,” Eve sang, winking at the man.

Remmy just shook his head.

“Anything?” he asked Boone, who had yet to say anything.

“Nope. I’m pretty sure everyone else is going to ask just about everything.”

Oh, likely.

“I love girlfriend Twenty Questions,” Rogue said. “What I really need to know is what happened to your shirt? Did she rip it from your body in a moment of heated passion and did you like it?”

He actually snorted.

They were so goddamn ridiculous.

Clearly, it wasn’t going to end, so he had no choice in the matter.

“For the record, you’re all a pain in my ass. Yes, I had sex with Calyx. Yes, she’s ‘purty’ as a redhead, and yes, she has my shirt because I’m a gentleman unlike you dicks. Okay? Can we not discuss it anymore? I’m not telling you assholes what happened. That’s none of your grandma-y business, ya weirdos.”

Ah, it was good to see the man coming out of his shell. Before he was sullen, quiet, and protective of his space.

Now, he was laughing, and it was good to see. This wasn’t the same man they met months ago.

This was a new man, proving that Chartres healed, and New Orleans was all about giving out second chances to those who needed it.

Maura grinned.

She was proud of him.

How could she not be?

“You look…calm,” she offered.

He pointed at her, stopping anything else from coming from her mouth. Someone had to be in charge of the assholes in the room, and that was Maura’s role.

“I expect it from Zayn, Boone, Jagger, Rogue, and Dakota, but not from you.”

She shrugged.

“I’m not busting ass. I just want to point out that I like Calyx. She’s got balls.”

Jinx grinned.
