Page 193 of Abduction

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“Oh, well, that’s how I feel. When everyone goes out to handle something, I’m left behind to babysit Violet or the house…”

“Tommy, that’s because there are different levels. You’re a cop, and you’ve told them that you hate killing cops. That’s what goes on here. They are protecting you from that.”

“I didn’t ask them to protect me. I can hold my own.”

Could he?

She doubted it.

“THUS, why they don’t want you out in it. You’ll be wearing two bullseyes. One for being a cop, and one who was in contact with The Hunters.”

“Well, hopefully, they won’t be killing cops when I’m working for the police. I’ll help the FBI, but I won’t let The Hunters run roughshod over this city. If they kill good cops, there will be a problem.”

And there it was.

This was her biggest fear.

Tommy was going to become one hell of an obstacle in the city.

Since that sounded a tad bit threatening, she put her foot down.

Elizabeth focused on him.

“Are you threatening an FBI operation here in NOLA?” she asked, moving closer. “One that supersedes your authority?”

He took a step back as soon as he heard the tone.

“No, I didn’t mean…”

She shut that shit right down.

He’d only seen nice Elizabeth. He’d not gotten a full-on dose of angry Elizabeth.

But he would.


“Let me warn you, Thomas Bernard, that if you fuck around with me, you will find out that I’m not all country hick in a pair of boots. You’ll understand why people in law enforcement say what they do about me. I’ll run you right over. I will make it difficult for you to even breathe in this city, and I will forget who you are to us.”

He blinked.

“Here’s a little thing about this operation. When people leave, they leave under an alias. They don’t get to stay who they were beforehand. If you try to sabotage a single person downstairs, or you give ANYONE intel on this operation, I will be back, and we will be having a conversation. ALONE.”

“Oh, where I die?”

She smiled and it wasn’t a good one.

If he had any common sense, he’d run from her. This was not the hill he wanted to die on.

“Oh, no, you won’t die. What will happen is you’ll take an all-inclusive trip to Gitmo where you’ll stay in a cell for a very long time.”

He stared, eyes wide.

“No one will know where you are, or what happened to you. I’ll pluck your oblivious ass off the street in broad daylight, or out of your bed at night and you’ll pull a Houdini. Do you think the cops will miss you when you already disappeared once?”

His heart was racing.

She wasn’t done.
