Page 209 of Abduction

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“Hey, Milo,” Adder said. “You don’t know me, but I know you. We need intel.”

“Fuck you, Cunt,” he said, spitting at her.

Oh, someone was feisty.

It was time to knock that out of him.

Adder moved so fast, he didn’t even see it coming when she punched him in the face, and slammed her hand against his trachea, closing it down.

He gasped for air, as he couldn’t breathe.

“You have two minutes—max. Then, you’re dead. I’ll wait. One one thousand. Two one thousand. Three one thousand...”

The woman beside him was now awake and bounced in her chair, trying to get them to take the tape off of her mouth.

They ignored her.

When Milo’s lips went blue, Adder slammed him in the other side of the trachea, opening his airway.

“Now. How about we have that conversation where you don’t call me names, and I don’t cut you apart into little pieces and feed you to your girlfriend? Test me. I’ve done that before to someone. The belly holds a lot of flesh, eyeballs, and fingers.”

He gasped for breath.

“That is so nasty,” Zayn said over the com. “I like it. Now we know Dakota’s kink.”

“Shut up, dick,” Dakota said in Eve’s ear.

The ladies ignored them.

They had work to do.

The Major wanted intel.

“Where is Artemis Dubois?” Adder asked. “You know who that is. She’s likely playing fake German to keep her cover. She paid you to kidnap and torture two men and two women.”

He closed his mouth.

“Talk or Shila here gets a little shock of her life,” she said as Mamba clicked on the stun gun. They’d upped the amperage to really make a person want to talk.

“Fuck you.”

Adder looked over at her partner in this.

“Okay. Fry his bitch. I’m good with the smell of cooking flesh and hair.

The woman looked scared, and she was fighting.

It was time to do it up.

Mamba grabbed a giant bowl from the kitchen, filled it with water and ice cubes before putting the woman’s feet in it.”

He didn’t even try to stop them.

That said it all.

Someone was an asshole and didn’t really care if his girl got hurt.

They could use that.
