Page 212 of Abduction

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Now, that was everyone’s worry.

The Snakes knew what that meant.

“You have to stay in, Captain and Major,” Adder said. “The only other couple would be you two, and letting you out might be the plan. She could have started this knowing Mikey O’ or you, would come out of hiding and try to find her. This could be a trap.”

She was aware.

Maura reassured them.

“We’re in for now. Can you guys handle the next location?” she asked. “I was going to send the men out, but in this case, we need to tread lightly. You guys can hold your own. I’m not so sure about…”

She looked at the non-Marines.

“Don’t,” Dakota stated. “I’ll come over there and speak harshly to you.”

It made her laugh.

“Got it, Major,” Adder stated.

“Absolutely,” Mamba offered, agreeing.

They began making their plan.

“It’s around three,” Adder said. “Can someone check to see when Kurt gets off of work?” she asked.

“I can,” Merry said. “I can get into the system and take a little route to Timecard Lane. Everything for the bureau of prisons is on one server.”

Well, that worked for them.

“Get us that answer. We’ll clean up here and then go stake out the house to see if there’s any movement.”

Pulling out her gun, adder screwed in the silencer. Then, she placed it against Milo’s head, and as his eyes went huge, she pulled the trigger.

Immediately her vest beeped in alert.

“Soundwave software detected,” MATE said through the com on the vest. “ShotSpotter activated. You have five minutes before police arrive. They have been alerted that there have been shots fired.”

What the hell?

Apparently, NOLA was now using some software to track gunshots.

“We gotta move,” Mamba warned.

Oh, they could take out the cops, but that would make Elizabeth twitchy. That was NOT staying under the radar.

“Make it fast,” Maura said. “Apparently, that picks up silenced shots too. No guns at the next address.”

They’d figure it out when they got there.

They had another issue.

Jinx pulled her tactical knife and without a second thought, she sliced through the woman’s throat.

Blood sprayed everywhere as the woman’s eyes went huge.

Mamba clued her partner in.

“This building has twenty apartments. We have some time before they figure out it came from this one,” she said as she packed up the gear and Adder went looking for anything that might help them.
