Page 246 of Abduction

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Gene blinked, and it was clear he knew she was right.

“No. Please. Not that.”

Yes, that.

“He’s under the impression that I don’t play rough, and I’m telling you that if you come back, it’s going to exacerbate him the second you pop up in the media. People already saw you kissing on the curb, and while I know what’s between you, the media will get a sniff and run with the absurd. They’ll make up stories about you both, and that will stir up Tommy. Then, Ethan is at risk. We have enough people gunning for us.”

Gene held Ethan’s hand, and his ex squeezed it.

Ethan agreed with his wife.

He could hold his own, but he understood her fears. He had them too when it came to her, Callen, and Chris. They spent a lot of time in the media spotlight.

“He’s out of control. It’s all about his ego, and you know what happens when you stop looking at the issue, and let your ego get in the way.”

Gene swallowed the bile that was rising up in his belly. What had he done?

“So, if you choose to stay, I can’t save you both. I have to keep this operation above water, and if a cop, and you, decide to compromise it, then the shit hits the fan. I helped him get what he wants to keep him away from Ethan. I won’t even pretend. I’d give him all my money to keep him away from my husband.”

Truer words had never been spoken.

Elizabeth would always be the person who protected her husband, their world, and anyone she loved. While Ethan was damn good at profiling, out of her husbands, he was the weakest.

Yes, he’d healed, and was walking, but after eight hours, he wasn’t as quick, and he still couldn’t run for more than a sprint. He was a sitting duck.

She stood.

“Take a few minutes to decide what it is you want to do, Gene. Then, let me know.”

Gene didn’t need them.

He knew what he wanted, and it was still the same as it had been.

He needed to get out of the city.

His survival depended on it.

Only, Gene needed to regroup and think about what she’d said.

He wasn’t worried about him.

He was worried about the man beside him.

Ethan was back on his feet but still needed a wheelchair at times. He pictured Tommy gunning for him, and he was persistent.

He did track that killer for sixteen years.

Before she forgot, she pulled a sealed envelope from her bag.

“He wanted you to have this.”

When she handed him the letter from Tommy, she pointed to the other room.

“I’m going to be heading back out to play ‘investigator’ with my brother. I have to be seen around the town, so my cover holds. We’ve done all we can for the hunters. I’ve given them the tools. Now, it’s in the Major’s court.”

Ethan understood.

“The media has me on the ground here, so I have to make it look good. I’m going to the scenes where the bodies were dumped and found just to be seen.”
