Page 247 of Abduction

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He understood.

“I’ll be ready.”

She stopped him.

Yeah, no.

That was not happening.

“Clearly, you think that I’m out of my nut. That’s not going down here,” she said, touching his chair. “You’re going to stay with Gene. I want you safe. He’d keep you safe no matter what.”

He reached for her, and she headed his way. When he kissed her, she knew they were fine. The kiss was full of love and heat.

“If you need me,” he said, breaking the kiss, “come get me. You better have our security with you,” he admitted.

“You know it. Artemis is watching. I’d bet my badge on it.”

Oh, he would too.

Leaning onto the bed, she gave Gene a kiss on the cheek.

“I’m sorry it didn’t work out. I really am,” she offered. “The last thing I ever wanted was for you to hurt. I know how much you mean to Ethan.”

He appreciated that.

When she was gone, Ethan stayed on the bed beside Gene.

“Well, what are you going to do?” he asked.

Gene held the note.

“I’m going to see what he said. Maybe he wants to run away, and we can go together…”

Oh, Ethan doubted that.

In fact, he’d bet big money on that being the opposite of what was going to happen. If his wife was pegging him as a future issue, the chances were she was right.

Gene needed him.

“Will you stay with me as I read this? I don’t want to be alone right now in case I’m wrong.”

Ethan reassured him.

“You know I will,” he said.

Then, Gene was honest.

“I hope I didn’t cause shit for you and Elizabeth,” he said. “You’re married and maybe I should be the one to keep my distance. Do you want me to come back or stay away? I need you to be honest with me.”

He ran his hand down his arm to the tattoo that they shared.

“I want you to come back. You’ll be safe with us. We’ll be your family.”

He wasn’t sure Ethan’s wife would like that, or not. He couldn’t read her.

“And your marriage?”

He reassured him.
