Page 25 of Abduction

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Gene knew that meant keeping him where he was familiar and safest. He was in no condition to fight, and he was certainly in no condition to hold up on his own.

He was in pieces.

So, they took shifts, and that meant someone had to stay with him at Chartres.

His babysitters for today?

Gene and Tommy.

The family was taking turns, and since both men were proficient with guns, able to protect, and get them out in case there was an issue, Maura was good with it.

Gene was perfect at this, and he’d volunteered.


He was accustomed to being shot at.

A lot.

Plus, it gave the couple some time to get some wedding prep done. As of late, the family had noticed some tension, and while grandma—Zayn—liked drama, they didn’t need a distraction.

They were trying to prepare for the Russians.

This was about keeping tabs on the family, just to be sure no one was in danger.

Gamble was currently upstairs in a room—not the one he’d been in when he and Storm stayed there—but a different one.

As for what was he doing?


The man was still in so much pain.

Honestly, no one could blame him, including Gene, a man who lost his husband to a killer. They weren’t going to gatekeep his healing. When he was ready, they’d step in and put him back together again.

Only, this time that seemed like a longshot.

How the hell were they going to pull this one off? What the man needed was a shit ton of therapy, a weekend doused in booze, and some hookers in Tijuana.

Well, maybe not the hookers, but definitely the therapy and booze.

He was a mess.

As for the rest of the team…

They were based in their own homes, or the homes that they were most comfortable in.

Dakota was with his wife and daughter two blocks away at Eve’s home.

If there was an emergency at Chartres, they both could be there in minutes.

They were backup for the closest team.
