Page 26 of Abduction

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The Major and her Captain.

Jagger and Maura were tucked away next door in their secret house, attached by the entrance under the stairs and the outside access. Marsha was there with the little ones, and they were keeping an eye on everything.

Luckily, no one knew about Eve’s home, or Jagger’s. That they suspected.

Rogue and his wife were at his house because they had children that needed them—mostly a baby who needed his momma.

Sawyer was dependent on Jinx, the food machine, and Grace didn’t like to be far away from her grandson.

That worked for them.

Grace was a menace with a gun, and with her boyfriend annoyingly staying there, much to Rogue’s angst, the house had some protection.

Well, as much protection as a Native professor of history could provide.

Furthest away were Zayn and Stella, since they were hanging at the other house, the one they crashed at most of the time. Their kids were still with nannies not far away, and being divided up made it easier to move around.

The big Native man was paranoid as fuck, and he wasn’t letting his flower garden be invaded by anything but more pretty little girls.

The family had decided this was for the best. If they were being watched, they couldn’t watch all of them.

As for Remington, well, he was off doing what Remmy did best.


He had a place, but no one knew where it was. Even if they wanted to ask, he wouldn’t tell them jack shit.

For all they knew, it was a hole in some wall where the ex-CIA spook closed his eyes to catch some Z’s.

Literally a hole in a wall.

The man could sleep anywhere.

With him, you never knew.

What they did know was that later, after their morning meeting, he’d be heading to The Underground to watch over Calyx.

It was his favorite way of torturing himself.


Even after Jinx had a talk with him about opening up, he was still hellbent on handling his trauma alone.

He was still wearing that badge of guilt he’d been handed when his wife, Karen, and his daughter, Kelsy, had been killed.

Someone was blaming himself.

Yeah, Gene knew that The Hunters had some personal work to do.

Speaking of personal, there was some trouble on the horizon, and he could sense it.

As of late, his fiancé was off.

When Gene came out of the bathroom, in their room down the hall from Gamble, his hair was wet, and Tommy was watching him.

He looked troubled.

“You okay?” he asked, not sure what the man was going to say. With him, it could be anything. He’d learned that over the last few days.
