Page 256 of Abduction

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As he sat where he was doing his recon, on a particular house that an informant gave him before their untimely death, he knew they needed to get something.


In the CIA world, Artemis Dubois was well-known. She was a bitch, but a bitch who commanded a room. She had been in the game for years, and if she was getting intel from someone in the CIA, it was likely because she had something on someone.

She didn’t make friends.

She didn’t influence people.

She played dirty.

Lewis had been following the trail for a while since Elizabeth had asked him to come to NOLA to clean up after The Hunters.

This house had been on his list.

He’d followed some dudes from The Underground back here one night, and he’d kept it at the forefront of his mind for later.

Well, it was later.

Who was in there, he wasn’t sure, but once he got a good look at them, or could take a picture to run some software on his phone, he’d know who they were.

That was the key.

In this game, you needed to know your prey before you offed it.

As he was watching the house, his business phone vibrated in his pocket. It was the one he used to keep himself in the game.

The mercenary game.

Reaper liked to stay busy, and the CIA wasn’t his only client. Since he’d gotten a shit ton of intel over the years, he squirreled it away in case he ever needed it.

So going into a side business…

It was lucrative.

It also allowed him to pick and choose who he wanted to work for in life. With the CIA, you did the job, and you didn’t ask questions.

This gave him a little control.

Plus, NOLA was a seedy place, and that meant making the money, hand over fist.

Pulling the phone out, he read the screen.

It was blocked.

Yeah, no shock there.

Well, let’s see what this was about.


There was a pause.

Then, the person spoke.

Immediately, he recognized the voice tucked under the fake German accent.

Oh, she was good, but he’d spent time in Germany. There were little flaws in her accent.
