Page 267 of Abduction

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She’d just gotten him to let down that guard.

Remmy got up and found a part of the wall that was painted over the metal. He could see it from the low light coming from the overhead window.

There, he scratched in some initials and code. Since he wouldn’t know the destination, he had to pick a direction to go in when they escaped them.


It felt lucky.

When they escaped these assholes, he’d take Calyx West, and hope that they found a phone to call in backup.

Or someone figured out they were gone.

He only hoped that when The Hunters realized they were missing, someone would figure this out and come for them.

If there was a swamp, there were woods with it, and while not his favorite game, he’d spent time playing hide-and-seek in the bayous.

When he was finished, he tucked the bobby pins back into her hand.

“Save these. I might need them.”

She did just that.

As they sat, they felt the road change.

It was no longer pavement. They were on a rougher surface.

“They are taking us into the bayou,” he said.

She cuddled closer, praying they got out of this alive.

“If I die,” she whispered.

He stopped her.

“We’ll be good.”

She still had to say it.

“If I die, Remmy, I need you to know that I love you. I fell in love with you that night you saved me outside The Underground. If they kill me, and you make it, please know that it wasn’t flirting. I loved you.”

His heart skipped.

Her words…

They touched a part of him that had been cold and dead for a very long time.

“I need you to trust me,” he whispered. “You need to believe that I’m good at what I do, and I will get us out.”

She nodded.

“Calyx?” he whispered.

