Page 271 of Abduction

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They focused on him.

“The Major said to come back in,” Adder stated, touching her earpiece. “She wants to know how you crossed our paths when you were looking for Artemis.”

He pointed at the two guys on the floor.

“Tell her I followed them back from The Underground a few days ago. It was before Artemis went off grid.”

They didn’t have to tell her anything. The whole team was hearing it, including their husbands.

Jinx clued him in.

“She said to come in to debrief them so we can handle them,” she offered, knowing it was the Major putting space between them. She was saving Lewis’ bacon.

At that suggestion, he was more than happy to do just that.

The best thing would be to get out of there. Spiders didn’t like playing during the daylight, and these two Snakes didn’t look amused.

Again, a tough audience.

Backing out of the room because he didn’t trust them, and they didn’t trust him, he slipped away and was gone.

Immediately, the ladies went upstairs and found the other guy.

They dragged him down the stairs, duct-taped his hands and mouth, and did the same with the others.

“Do your thing,” Maura stated, now that the two Snakes were calm. She’d been worried when their stats went off the charts and MATE had warned them.


Oh, they would.

When Adder slapped one of them in the face and sat him up, Eve crouched down.

“Wake up, Sunshine. We have to have a little talk.”

His eyes went huge, and it was crystal clear that someone had been warned about them.

“Mr. Marx, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Eve said.

Then, she stabbed him in the thigh, cutting his femoral artery. He screamed in pain as he began the bleeding-out process.

“As you can see, I’m not fucking around. Where is the bitch who hired you?”

He began crying as he stared down at his leg and the spreading blood.

When she tore off the duct tape, she held her gun to his head.

“Spill it. I want to know where she is.”

He began babbling.

“I don’t know. We were hired by phone call, and that’s all I know. Me and my buddy Milo. We did some jobs, and she told us to lay low.”

Oh, well, she had bad news for him.

“How do you think we found you? She leaked your names to a hooker, and the hooker sold your information.”

He looked surprised.
