Page 290 of Abduction

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In their gear, they were ready to access the warehouse. Only, something stopped them.

From where they parked their vehicle, off in the trees, they saw something suspicious.


All around a white moving van, there were three prone forms.


“What the fuck?” Zayn asked as he used his scope from the trees.

Maura took it from him.

“Are they bodies? Something went down here,” she offered.

Jagger was paranoid.

“Or this is a trap.”

Well, that could be too.

With Artemis Dubois, and this sick and twisted game, anything was a possibility. It was like navigating a minefield with a blindfold on.

“Who has a silencer?” Maura asked.

Everyone pulled out a handgun.

“Okay, well, then, shoot them.”

Jagger lifted a brow.

“Really? You want us to take shots at them?”

Well, she wasn’t going near them until she made sure they were dead. Artemis was gunning for her, Jagger, and Jinx. All three of them were there, and she wasn’t risking that this had been nothing but a trap.

“If they’re lying there waiting to ambush us, or packed with explosives, it’s better they go up while we’re tucked away, than if we’re out there.”

That worked for the Marines.

They each took a shot, hitting them in their bodies while they held their breaths.

Nothing happened.

There was no explosion, no movement, and no reaction. That told them all they needed to know.

They were really dead.

Well, then, that meant they could proceed.

“Scan the area,” Maura said, using the box that Elizabeth had her security drop off. They’d tried to figure out how to use it, and had to call her back. She’d given them a tutorial on what that little baby could do.

It blocked all wave signals.



