Page 291 of Abduction

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That was just the beginning of its technological wonder. Whatever her husband’s R and D department were making…

She approved.

When the box was turned on, there was a beep, and Maura’s vest spoke to her.

Well, MATE did through the vest.

“All cameras in the vicinity inside the building are looping. The system inside is now overridden. Passcode is four, seven, nine, nine.”

Well, that worked.

“Are you sure, MATE?”

“Is Zayn Thundercloud obnoxious?”

“HEY!” he hissed. “I’m going to rip your circuits out and toss you in the trash.”

The system just beeped but said nothing back, much to Zayn’s glee.

“I win!”

They all looked at him.

“Are you insane?” Jagger asked. “It’s not alive. You’re arguing with a computer.”

“Yet. It’s not alive YET.”

Maura just pointed.

“Let’s see what the van is all about,” she said as they moved out in formation, the Captains all surrounding the Major. “It’s weird that it’s just sitting there.”

On that, they agreed.

At the van, they broke into two groups.

Reaper went into the back of the van, sweeping it for anything or anyone hiding.

When he saw it, he paused.

“Uh, question,” he said, quietly, as the vest they gave him to wear transmitted to their coms.

“Yeah?” Maura asked.

“I found something you need to see. Fast.”

That was all they had to hear. They rounded the back of the vehicle, peeking in, and when they saw he was looking at the wall, Jagger boosted his wife up.


He pointed.

Maura checked it out.

“I don’t know what I’m looking at. It’s a bunch of letters.”

He explained.

“R.B. was here,” he said, pointing at the first bunch. They were ambushed.”
