Page 298 of Abduction

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When her com beeped, signaling she had a call, she kept her voice low as she scanned the room.

“MATE, patch it through.”

The system beeped again, and it was Dakota calling her back. That told her that he’d found more.

“Yes?” she asked.

Dakota didn’t hesitate.

“Major, I hate to bother you, but we found The Underground’s security. Calyx had some, and we have footage of what went down.”

“Okay, tell me because I’m in the dark.”


He kept going.

“It shows Calyx filling the beer in the coolers, and when she went outside, we see her being ambushed. I’ll send pictures of the men who grabbed her.”


Dakota continued.

“Then, not long after, Remmy must have realized something was up, and he rushed out. They clocked him in the head, and he went down.”

She waited.

“We can’t see what happens after, but Merry had street cameras up, and she said a white box truck/van-like vehicle left that alley right after.”

“We have that vehicle in front of this warehouse, and this is where Artemis told Reaper to bring Boone and Merry. We think this is her hidey-hole. We found guns, papers, and we’re now one step ahead of her.”

That was damn good.

“What do you want me to do?” Dakota asked.

“Get rid of the bodies, clean the scene, and download that footage before you sanitize the drive.”

He understood.

“We’ll see you back at Chartres. Be safe, and tell my wife not to do anything that’s going to annoy me.”

There was laughter.

“Sorry, Babe, but I’m navigating a tripwire with explosives.”

There was a pause.

“Please tell me she’s kidding,” he stated.

Oh, boy.

Someone was about to lose his mind.

Call it a hunch.

“MATE, shut off communications,” Maura said.

