Page 301 of Abduction

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She had their full attention.

“He pulled out his wallet, and he showed me a picture of his wife and daughter. He carries it with him.”

Jagger didn’t understand.


“They were at a fair. Behind them was a banner, and Artemis had drugged him. What if she went through his things, and then told El Gato?”




That was all she had to hear.

“Reaper, we need you and Zayn,” she said, knowing that Lewis had been with Elizabeth and her people when they found El Gato’s address.

The com beeped.

“Coming,” he said.

“Watch the tripwires.”

There was laughter.

“I’m not soft, Major. I can navigate in the dark. Worry about the Hulk with me.”

There was cursing.

Because she wanted to focus, Maura turned her com off.

Jagger knew what his wife was thinking.

“She told El Gato, and his men took all of these pictures, and then she got her hands on them?”

Maura pulled one down.

“She had to have. We didn’t piece it together, but we know El Gato bought Chevy and Micah. We didn’t know Artemis was on the ground, and possibly sold her skills to El Gato. We thought we killed him in the bombing. What if she knew we didn’t?”

Holy Hell’s bells.

When they heard the men coming, it wasn’t long before they entered the room.

Zayn stopped.

“What in the holy godforsaken hell is this?” he asked, looking around.

“We think Artemis planned on assaulting Remmy in here, using this room to damage him.”

He blinked.

“She’s a sick fuck.”

Yeah, she was.

She focused on Lewis.
