Page 31 of Abduction

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Only, he wasn’t pointing that out.


He stopped him.

“Tommy,” he said, his temper rising. “That’s a death wish. If even one cop is left that was loyal to El Gato or has a big old hate on for The Hunters, or me, you’re a target. I’m not having my husband be a target, so I have to bury another man I love. Been there and done that.”

He protested.

“I’m not Preston,” he said.

Again, he stopped him.

“No, you’re not, but you’re still going to be married to me, and this is my one thing. I don’t want you in danger. I can’t deal with it. We discussed it, Tommy. This city eats people alive. Case in point, the last year of our lives.”

Tommy closed the planner.

He was not amused at how bossy the man was trying to be. In bed, he was a magnificent top, but in life, they were equals.

Someone was forgetting that.

He wasn’t going to die.

Tommy could hold his own.

“Oh, you can’t have me in danger, but then we’re going to go North, and you’ll be out chasing serial killers. You’ll be in danger, and I’m going to be doing what? Knitting? Crossword puzzles? Making your dinner and starching your underwear for when you need your laundry done?”

“I’m good with that. Like I said, we have money, Tommy. You don’t have to rush and find a job right away. And for the record…who starches anything anymore, let alone their britches?”

Tommy was getting bitchy.

“I see.”

Gene knew this was escalating, but he was worried. He knew what Calyx had heard. He knew that The Hunters were in danger because of the Russians.

Whether Tommy liked it or not, he had his best interest in mind. Gene had mentioned this to Ethan when he’d been talking to him all week.

His friend was trying to give him help with getting them both out.

The heat was on, and Gene didn’t want to die. He was healed from losing Preston, and honestly, he and Tommy slowed The Hunters down.

Tommy had an issue with killing people.

Gene had an issue with Tommy being in danger.

NOLA wasn’t the place for them anymore, and you’d have to be willfully ignorant not to see that. They were on borrowed time.

Ethan had once told him to always believe what his gut instinct was telling him, and he lived by that.

He could feel death in his gut.

Honestly, he’d already talked to Jagger and Maura, and they told him to go if that’s what they needed to have a life.

Their rehab was done.

They weren’t upset.

Only, Tommy was.
