Page 32 of Abduction

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“I’ve stared down that barrel, Tommy,” he said. “We aren’t Hunter caliber. They nearly took me out in Purgatory, and they gunned for you too.”

Yeah, but Tommy didn’t get hurt. Someone was forgetting that.

“And so have I,” Tommy countered. “I’m not being a house husband, Gene. Why can’t we stay here? I’ll go back to the police force, and I can be the inside person for The Hunters. You can be the house husband.”




Yeah, that was happening over his dead body. Not the house-husband part. He’d stay home and do just that. He was talking about the part where Tommy dangled himself in a corrupt police department as bait.



Because he wasn’t having this argument, Gene got dressed and headed for the door. He’d wait until the man thought it out, and then, they’d discuss it.

Only, someone kept pushing.

“Gene, that’s the perfect plan. We can start our life over here. We can get married, and I’ll…”

He stopped him.

“Nope. If you choose to go back to the police here, Tommy, I’m not getting married. I’m not losing another spouse to this city. We both decided to get out. You told me you’d come with me.”

Yeah, but he didn’t tell him he’d go North and watch the man fawn over his ex.

“Is that so?”

“Yes,” he said, not mincing words.

Well, then, Tommy laid down the ultimatum.

“And if you choose to leave to go back to Ethan, I’m not going with you.”

He turned.

“Go back to Ethan? A happily married man who is in love with one of my closest friends?” he asked.

“I said what I said. You would dump me in a heartbeat if Ethan came knocking. We’re not going North.”

Gene was getting angry.

Was he accusing him of being so easily swayed to cheating? When all he wanted was to protect the man he loved from being killed as a cop in New Orleans?”


“Are we going there?” he asked. “Are we going to fall down that rabbit hole again?” Gene inquired. “Because, again, Ethan is very happily married, and I’m only trying to keep you alive. I’m not rekindling anything.”

Tommy stood his ground.

“I am not saying I’m jealous. Ethan and I talked that out. We worked it out. I’m saying that this seems all about you, and I don’t like how you’ve been calling him and texting him for the last week.”

Yeah, to plan a wedding, and to help him find a way out of NOLA.
