Page 317 of Abduction

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Yeah, said no one ever. Clearly, the man was insane, and that worked for her.

They all were.

Together, they entered the swamp.

“As a heads-up, before you guys got here, there was a car that arrived at the warehouse. They went in, they came back out, and they left.”

“Did they see you?” Jagger asked.

He actually laughed.

“No. I blend in. I’m not wearing fancy-schmancy body armor that looks like it glows in the dark like a hooker in Chernobyl.”

MATE reacted.

“I am AI not a hooker.”

Jagger laughed.

He could hear Zayn over their ear coms cursing up a storm regarding the system now answering without being prompted.

Because he busted balls, Reaper went there.

“She’s packed and stacked with top-secret gear. The AI is going to outthink us, and then start making Native men her bitch.”

Zayn told him to fuck off over his com.

Jagger hushed him.

“Mind your mouth,” he said. “I’m trying not to get bit in the dick by a water moccasin.”

The com went silent.

“Is the guy who’s hurt a Marine?” Wolf asked as he used his silenced gun to shoot a snake from a tree. “Want me to collect the snakes as we go? They’re good eatin’.”

Jagger stared at him.



“Uh, pass. That’s not going to taste good. It smells like moss and mold in the swamp.”

“That’s what it tastes like. It puts hair on your chest. We call it seasoning.”

Absolutely not.

Knowing what was coming, he shut that shit down fast.

“Zayn, don’t,” he warned and then heard laughter.

Maura filled the man in, answering his question.

“He’s not a Marine. He’s a Hunter. He’s our brother, and family.”

The man got it.

Family mattered.
