Page 368 of Abduction

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In case she needed him.

As he moved toward her location, he was in time to see her pop up, get the man’s gun, and surprise the shit out of him. She kicked him in the balls, kneed him in the face, and then snapped his neck so hard, it was audible over the coms.

“Someone is hangry,” Zayn said, laughing. “Feed your wife, Jagger.”

“Fuck off, Zayn,” Jagger whispered.

Maura wasn’t playing.

“That is six. Stay in position. I’m going in, and Jagger, you can follow. Everyone else keep watch. We don’t know if she has more coming. Take them out if she does.”

No one argued.

As she walked past Jagger, she winked at him.


“Major,” he said, shaking his head and handing her a candy bar.

She snorted.

And then, she disappeared into the trees to go back up Elizabeth.

By now, Elizabeth had Artemis over the fire.

And she couldn’t wait.

This bitch was about to fry.

Artemis was worried.

When she found out that Elizabeth and the Hunters knew about this location, a lot of things fell into place. That explained why the men never checked in with Remington and Calyx.

That explained why when the next batch of mercenaries showed up that there was blood, and then they went missing as they tracked down Remington.

These Hunters were a pain in her ass.




When she got her hands on Elizabeth, and she would, the woman was going to be sorry.

As she walked in, her gun was out, and she was ready. Sitting where guns had once been, now, she was furious.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” she asked. “They stole my fucking guns too?”

Elizabeth stayed beside Artemis’ mother. The woman was watching TV on a tablet, and peacefully just minding her business.

UNLIKE her daughter.

“Hey, Artie. How’s tricks?” Elizabeth asked. “Yeah, seems you were stockpiling for a Russian mob man. The Irish mob man didn’t like that. They have them now, and boy…is Alexsandr going to be pissed when he finds out you lost his guns, and you left a picture of him so we can now identify him.”

She actually growled.

“Do you know how much misery you’ve caused me?” she asked. “Alexsandr is going to fucking lose it. I promised him guns and fighters. You’ve stolen all the guns. I hope you’re kidding about his face. The CIA needs him here!”
