Page 367 of Abduction

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They stayed still, not even moving as they blended in with their surroundings.

“I have one coming my way,” Zayn whispered as he was hiding behind a tree to blend in.

There was nothing like letting a Native in the woods to hunt down an asshole.

The man was moving carefully, but they could all hear him coming. Someone was NOT a soldier.

On dry sticks and leaves, you had to move slower.

Calculatingly slow.

As he passed the tree, a hand shot out, covered his mouth, and sliced his throat as blood sprayed the plant life in the trees.

Zayn pulled him into the thicket, so no one would be any the wiser. A gator would come out from the water later and get a meal.

“One down,” he whispered.

Eve got into position, as one of the men was right below her in the tree. She slowly lowered herself by hanging from her knees. Once right above him, she looped a noose around his neck, and then flipped off the tree, pulling him up into the tree above, strangling him.

He flopped, but couldn’t say a word. She tied the rope off, digging her boots into the ground. When he was secured, she radioed in.

“Another down,” she whispered and then disappeared back into the trees to be invisible again.

The mercenaries were walking along, not even knowing what was waiting for them.

When one went left, he was walking right toward Jinx.

It was when she came out, hit him in the head with the butt of her gun, and then stabbed him in the heart that he died on his mission.

“Three,” she whispered.

Zayn had another heading his way.

When the man passed, he was small, so he was able to just put him in an arm-headlock, and make him go nighty-night.

When he passed out, all that was heard was the snapping of his neck.

“Four,” he said. “Last two are heading your way, Major and Captain.”

“Copy,” Maura said.

Jagger was waiting off in the thicket, too, and when he saw one coming, he took notice of the body armor. This one came prepared.

Well, he was mistaken.

Most Marines took headshots.




When he pulled the trigger, there was the soft pop of the silenced round, and the louder pop of it hitting its mark.

The man dropped.

“Five,” he whispered, continuing to move. There was no way he was leaving his wife to handle one alone.
