Page 380 of Abduction

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Yeah, his time here had healed him.

“I forgive you because a friend once told me that you have to forgive the monster to truly make it go away. So, I forgive you for what you did to my wife and child. I’m free of that, Artie. I found someone I care about, and I’m finally ready to move on. It’s been ten years of you being able to rub it in and knowing that you broke me. But I’m good now. I’m no longer broken. I’m whole again. My heart is healing, and with each day, it is better.”

She didn’t look happy.




Remington wasn’t done.

“I’m going to let Elizabeth turn you over and lock you up forever. I don’t give a fuck whether you live or die. I’m going to live, and I’m going to start a life here. I’m going to help The Hunters, and I’m going to clean up the Russian mess you invited to our doorstep.”

She growled.

“Goodbye, Artie. May God have mercy on your soul. I hope your death justifies your life.”

And with that, he turned around and walked out of The Underground Hunter dungeon.

When he was gone, Elizabeth just leaned against the wall and smiled.

Mission accomplished.

“Well, he beat you at your own game, Artemis. You tried to make him vengeful like you, and he chose peace. That’s the difference between you and him. He’s a decent human being. You’re just trash.”

She growled.

Elizabeth wasn’t done.

“You can’t make someone a killer and like you because of pain,” she said. “He’s a good man, and he’s going to marry the girl, have a family of Hunters who love him, and live his life. This is The City of Second Chances.”

That pissed her off even more.

“Fuck you.”

She laughed.

Ehhh, whatever.

Artemis rallied against her, so angry that this woman had won.

“I knew you couldn’t end me. I’m going to live, and I’m going to get out. When I do, I’m going to come for you.”

Elizabeth didn’t even flinch.

If she had a dollar for every person who threatened her, she’d be rich.

Well, richer.

Artemis continued.

“Oh, you won’t be laughing for long. I’m coming for that little deaf girl with the big blue eyes and curly hair. I’m going to get someone to take her and sell her off to be abused by a prison full of men until she’s a broken DOLLY.”

And that was all it took.

If you wanted to make Elizabeth mean…if you wanted to let that carefully controlled monster out of the FBI cage, say shit like this.
