Page 45 of Abduction

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“More comfortable than you are arming your wife. What’s your worry? Stella, want a gun?”

She grinned.

“Don’t,” Zayn stated. “That’s not even funny.”

It was to them.

Well, now that they knew how she took out the general, she glanced over and was curious.

“What went down for you, Jinx?”

She declassified it for them.

“I was contracted by the CIA to take her out before she left the country. I got her at a country club in upstate Louisiana as she was playing a few rounds. It was one shot, and the bullet did the job. She didn’t make that shot which was sad. It was also sad that she was keeping her dead husband’s memory by committing atrocities in their country. You know…bad Russian behavior by the KGB.”

“That sounds like the KGB,” Eve admitted. “What about the son?” she asked.

“The government wouldn’t kill a child on US soil. Right after she took one in the head at the ninth hole, the son disappeared. He was shipped back to wherever and likely raised by the government to just love Americans. The Cold War continues,” she said. “He won’t be here for shits and giggles.”

Yeah, no one questioned it.

Remmy continued.

“I don’t know if that’s why he’s coming here or not. All I know is Calyx said he wants this city. Desperately.”

Jagger confessed.

“He was a bitch to track. We were on his tail for what, Maura?”

“Three weeks,” she admitted. “It was just the two of us since we could move quietly and play the role. It would have been difficult to make five Marines disappear. It was easy to play tourists and keep an eye on him. We did it on vacation—or that was what the file said.”

They bet.

“Well, this is going to be a rough fuck without lube,” Boone said.

Oh, he wasn’t even half close. If the son was like his father and mother…they’d spawned Satan himself.

“But how could he know we’re here?” Jinx asked.

Maura thought about it.

Then, there was only one answer.

“The CIA had us handle it in both cases. Maybe we were burned by the CIA? I mean, they’d have files, right?”

Much to Remmy’s delight, no one looked at him.

“That had to hurt, didn’t it, Zayn.”

“God. Yes.”

He laughed.

“I mean, I can make some calls, but if it walks like a poorly named non-goddess, and acts like a douchebag CIA operative who worked out of that region…”

“Assume it was,” Maura said. “She had to sell us out. After all, she knows we’re here, so she had to do some digging in CIA files or have someone help her, and she’s burned us.”

Rogue really didn’t like this.
