Page 47 of Abduction

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He did a full stop as it finally registered.

Zayn waited.


“And icy-blue eyes.”

That’s when it hit him.

“I’m going to toss her ass in that fountain,” Zayn said. “This almost caused me to have a stroke.”

Maura laughed.

“Think of it as a training exercise.”

That was one possible way to think about it.

“She freaking tricked us again!” Jagger said, laughing, already knowing who had been in the courtyard.

Elizabeth liked to mess with them—specifically Zayn, who would then be twitchy for the rest of the day. It set the mood for the next twenty-four hours.

No one liked the man stirred up but her.

How she got behind their defenses, he had no freaking clue, but there was only one person who had the skills to get past their cameras and security.

That took a whole lot of tech that was better than theirs and people who could make that happen.

Elizabeth freaking Blackhawk.

She was the only answer.

As they headed back in, she was sitting at the counter having a cup of coffee with Merry and Stella, and there were donuts that she had to bring with her.


She wasn’t alone.

When Zayn pulled his gun—again, and pointed it at the man not far from her, she warned him.

“If you shoot my brother, Zayn, I’m going to kick your ass,” she said, sipping her coffee. “Can’t you tell the resemblance?” she asked.

They both looked over at the man, and he saw it immediately. There was the same dark hair and the same eyes.

Oh, Lordy.

“Well, now we know what Elizabeth would look like if she had a dick and balls,” he muttered.

“I think I’d still be hot. Are you saying my brother isn’t sexy?” she asked. “I mean, if you don’t dig a lumberjack…”

Zayn tucked away his gun.

This was bad news.

For them.

“Why can’t you just ring the doorbell and come in like a normal person?” he asked. “You know, like call ahead and tell us to expect you?”

That was never happening. She loved busting his balls a little too much. There was nothing better than frustrating the hell out of Zayn.
