Page 70 of Abduction

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It was gone.

She managed to locate that thanks to a few cops still on her payroll.

Yeah, you could never clean up this city, and it was funny as hell that The Hunters kept trying.

When she’d mentioned all of this in a call to Alexsandr, he was…thrilled.

He wanted the people who killed his family taken care of, and he didn’t mind shelling out copious amounts of money to make that happen.

So while The Hunters were given a sniff of the Russians coming, she’d kept it close to the vest that this was also about revenge.

Oh, wouldn’t they be shocked as shit when they were blindsided by it?

This is the chaos she lived for in life.




Artemis was making so much money she would be able to get out of the US, and back to her hidey-hole in Germany. She’d send for her mother, and they’d relocate.


Then, her retirement would happen. It had to happen since she was burning the CIA.

That bridge was…gone.

But before she snuck away, she was going to make sure everything was ready for the new ruler in New Orleans.

She knew that Alexsandr was brutal, and just like his father. He was an oligarch in the wings, waiting for his day in power.

And he’d get it too.

He’d come in with a hammer and smash The Hunters into the ground. There would be no stopping it, and the people who had been responsible for his family’s deaths…


Honestly, she just wanted the notoriety that while so many tried, it was her that took down Mikey O’ and The Hunters.


She’d go down in infamy, and that was how she wanted her legacy to be.

Since she was playing a game that The Hunters weren’t fully aware of, she had to be careful. If that slut in The Underground got wind, she’d run to Remmy and tell him.

That little love fest was on her last nerve too.


If she couldn’t have Remington Bowman as her own little toy, then no one would. He was hers to break and break, she would.

How dare he not fall hopelessly in love with her. They were meant to be a power couple, but he had a bad case of morals.

That never ended well.

She’d proved it.
