Page 71 of Abduction

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Now, to make Alexsandr happy, and to get her ultimate revenge, she was going to need bait.

That was the tricky part.

With The Hunters, you absolutely couldn’t go at them head-on.

In fact, that was a death sentence.

You had to hedge your bets. That meant one and only one thing.


Unfortunately, that meant few options for a conniving, dangerous woman like herself.

They had FBI backing and that wasn’t some trivial thing. That, in itself, was dangerous. Add to it that the cunt, Elizabeth Blackhawk, was moving up the ladder, and playing number two to her sister-in-law.

They were the new DC power couple, ironically enough.

Yeah, there was no way to take The Hunters down by force.

They were loaded for bear and had the tech to protect their asses.

That meant doing this only one way.

She needed to get lucky.

Artemis went back to the basics, and aimed for the one character flaw found deep within Mikey O’, and his wife, Maura Armstrong.


Most Marines bled the red, white, and blue, and these were no exception.

There was one thing that every bad guy in New Orleans knew and stayed at a careful distance over.

It was that Jagger Armstrong—Mikey O’—didn’t play when it came to his family.




They were off-limits unless you wanted to lose your head via a nine-millimeter bullet.

The Hunters were his, and he would lose his shit if someone touched them.

Going after his wife…

That was going to open the gates of Hell. El Gato had tried that and failed miserably.

Yeah, no.

She wasn’t opening that can of worms.

On top of that, Jagger hovered over his wife and kids. They moved locations, and no one could pinpoint where she was if they wanted to snatch her—if she could even be taken.

Maura Gaines-Mars-Armstrong-O’Banion could hold her own and was lethal.

That was out.
