Page 89 of Abduction

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“Ask Calyx if she can give us those names. Artemis is a rat. She’ll have a hole and it’ll be deep. We need to work our way to her. I’m willing to bet my spiffy Native husbands that once she collects her paycheck, she’s bailing before it gets ugly here. She won’t get her manicure chipped or risk her life. She’s a pussy and fancies herself a princess.”

He stood up.

Remmy wanted to go there anyway.

He knew that Artemis had a big old boner over the pretty redhead that he was attracted to. He wanted to make sure she was safe.

“Okay, I’ll get that handled,” he said, glancing at his watch. “Calyx is opening soon, and I’ll be her first customer of the day. Mondays are dead in The Underground. Where will you be?” he asked his friend.

She trusted everyone here.

Well, almost everyone. Tommy had given her husband a foul-ass look, and that made her pissy.

It made her want to break his face.

Who was she kidding?

“I’m staying in town at my usual place. I have to make this look as if I’m working on this case. That means putting on the show. Duke is going to help me do that. That’s the only way I can make my presence here seem legit. Artemis will assume the cops called me in. We just have to keep this behind the curtain until someone drops a big-ass house on that wicked bitch of the South.”

They all got it.

She was hanging around to be backup.

“We have to figure out how she’s going to offer up Jagger, Maura, and Jinx on the altar to the Russian asshole. We need to know her plan.”

Reaper raised his hand.

“I can help with that,” Lewis said. “I know the people she has hired. We move in the same circles, and I can follow a few, and see what turns up. I can handle them for you.”

Maura warned him.

“We don’t need to have that pointed at us. If something goes down here, everyone thinks it’s The Hunters. We’ve been cleaning house the last week.”

“Are you saying I can’t be sneaky?” he asked, laughing. “Mar, that hurts me in my cold, dead heart.”

She snorted.

“Just don’t point it at us,” she said.

“Nah, I won’t. Let’s just say that the ‘Z’ fellow will be busy like he has been the last week,” Lewis admitted, grinning. “Some of those missing cops were on him.”

Zayn gasped.

Rogue laughed, already knowing where the big man was going to go with this.

“You stole our fake identity?” Zayn asked. “You just decided to use it without asking? Is nothing sacred? I told you Spiders were not cool.”

He pointed.

“Blame your boss. She called me in to follow you around. Oh, and Mr. Paranoid, that house on Canal Street isn’t really all that hidden.”

Zayn blinked.

“You’ve been tailing me?”

Lewis was honest.

“I’ve been on all of you. I almost got caught by the pretty little snake over there. She saw me when she was walking into her house two blocks over.”
