Page 88 of Abduction

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“I know a few Russians, and they come fully locked and loaded with their own people. She hired the mercenaries to do her dirty work so she could stay off the radar.”

Maura got it.

“They work for her, and she is using them to get ready for the Russian.”

She nodded.

“I’m going to bet this is her swan song. She’s likely raking in MILLIONS for helping him. She’s likely getting paid for the three of you, and for opening up the city.”

Jagger didn’t like this.

“This is my town.”

“Yeah, it has to stay that way, but until then, let’s undo what she did. She knows I’m here since EVERYONE knows when I arrive. I can’t leave the airport without someone snapping a picture of me.”

Ivan smiled.

“You are pretty to look at…if you don’t mind all those snakes, Medusa.”

She flipped him off.

“What pissed you off. The snakes?” Rogue asked Elizabeth.

“No, the goddamn pretty. That’s annoying.”




Elizabeth focused on Merry.

“We need that account with the money. We need to find a way to make the woman so poor she’s no longer able to operate anywhere. We have the CIA account, and at one point, she was likely paid by our government. Find the money, Meredith.”

She lifted a brow.

“Hack the CIA?”

Elizabeth stared at her.

Merry must have realized she wasn’t playing at that point.

“Okay, I’m going to use your system to hack the CIA. I hope we’re safe.”

“We are. They can’t access MATE. They don’t know MATE is here. I’m off the CIA radar, except for Artemis.”

Merry started working on what she could.

Elizabeth continued.

“We also need to take the paid mercenaries out so she can’t hire anyone to take you guys down. Maybe we can get some of their tech and trace the money that way too.”

Merry liked that idea much better.

“Agreed,” Maura said.

Elizabeth focused on Remmy.
