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“More,” Kyle hissed, baring his teeth like an animal.

“No,” Jim replied, a picture of calmness.

“I. Want. More,” Kyle demanded, emphasizing each word.

“There’s none left,” Jim explained, his mask momentarily breaking to show exasperation.

“Then go out and get them,” Kyle said through gritted teeth. His eyes narrowed to slits, his mouth turned into a snarl. If he wasn’t a monster before, he definitely was one now.

His marriage to Sienna was meaningless because the bitch gave all her assets away. His father’s and brother’s death were all for nothing. It was her fault that he’d lost everything. Hers and of those fucking Carringtons. He’d make them all pay. They’d all suffer for what they did to him.

Jim studied him for a moment longer and if Kyle wasn’t so desperate for more people, he’d punish him for his insubordination. With his bank accounts frozen, he couldn’t afford to get more thugs, which meant he was stuck with what he had.

“We’ve gone through all the whores that look like Miss Ryder,” Jim said at last.

“Mrs. Remington,” Kyle corrected him with an icy tone. “Why does everyone seem to forget that she’s my wife?”

“Maybe because you haven’t even spent the night together,” Jim offered with a small smile that was wiped off his face the moment Kyle locked his eyes with his. “I’m sorry. What do you want us to do?”

Kyle started pacing up and down the disgusting warehouse. They’d have to move in a couple of hours again. The Carringtons had eyes and ears everywhere, and now that Sienna had posted his picture on every possible channel, she made it very hard for him to hide, but not impossible. As long as they kept moving, they’d be fine. Besides, the building had started to smell like death anyway. He couldn’t even remember how many bodies he’d left, but he had no intention of checking. Surely, the police would make the information about his massacre public, portraying him and his supporters as dangerous.

“Forget about the whores, it’s time we get our hands on the real deal,” Kyle said, thinking out loud. “We have to be cleverer this time, and even if we fail, I want her to feel the damage. Since my traitorous sister-in-law decided to replace Sienna, she should’ve been lying on the ground with the bullet in her head.”

“We did our best. She was too well protected, and her bodyguards were quick to react.”

“We need to do better!” Kyle screamed. “We need to be faster.”

“Yes, Sir,” Jim replied and bowed his head in deference.

“Give me a cigarette,” Kyle ordered, snapping his henchman into action.

Jim stepped closer, handing him one, then pulled a lighter out of his pocket. As Kyle inhaled, the cigarette’s end glowing in bright orange color, an idea occurred to him.

“I want another bomb,” he said, then continued when Jim nodded. “Something similar to what we put at her press conference, but this time I don’t want to give her a chance to run away or escape in any way.”

“What do you have in mind?”

“A car bomb,” Kyle replied with a smile. “Our sources tell us that she’ll have to go to the office to sign some papers. That’s when we hit. Obviously, not when she goes to the office, because we won’t be able to get to the car at the compound, but we can leave a package either in the trunk or stuck underneath the car, while they’re waiting for her outside the office building.”

“I’ll have to talk to our people to see if it can be done.”

Kyle stepped right up to him and puffed a cloud of smoke in his face. Jim took it all without a hint of reaction. Kyle’s lips curled up into a small smile.

“I want her dead and I want it now, so you better make sure it gets done,” Kyle said, his voice coming out as a low growl.

“Yes, Sir,” Jim replied, his gaze unblinking and unwavering.

Kyle liked that his henchman had balls while at the same time understood that he had bigger ones, and if someone tried to compete, he wouldn’t hesitate in breaking one of them.

When Jim left to put the plan in motion, it was time for Kyle and some other guys to pack it up and leave. He hated constantly being on the move and living in dirty places. His fucking bitch of a wife and her asshole Carrington heirs turned everything around, making him look like a criminal, when in reality, Kyle and his family weren’t taking anything that wasn’t theirs.

If anyone had the right to merge the north and the south under one rule, it was the Remingtons. They’d been reigning over their part for centuries and Sienna should’ve been his wife, but the Ryder massacre prevented the deal from going through. His father had been talking with Mr. Ryder about uniting their families, and just when they’d come to an agreement, everything went to shit. In Kyle’s eyes, him marrying Sienna was something that should’ve happened either way.

None of the Remingtons were into it, especially with the centuries-old hate that kept pestering between two powerful families. It didn’t help that they’d inflicted each other an immense amount of hurt through theft and death. Kyle was one of the people against the marriage alliance, but after Sienna asked for their help, and when she was stolen away from under their noses by the fucking Carringtons, he was starting to feel protective of her.

With his father’s support, and his brother’s help, he almost got her back, but by then she’d been too brainwashed and now the kindest thing he could offer to do for her was to take her out of her misery.

Her ignorance and disobedience made him so fucking angry. He wanted to punish her, to teach her manners and show her where her place was. All the bad things that happened to her, that he did to her, were all her fault. He tried to help her. He really did, but now it was too late. She’d gone too far and there was nothing left to save. She’s been lost, her mind too brainwashed. Kyle would kill Sienna for her own good.
