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Jensen grabbed her arms, catching her mid-fall. She didn’t realize that her legs had given up on her until he hoisted her up in his arms.

“Take a group of men and go to the scene. We need to get the information first-hand,” Jensen instructed Aiden, snapping into his leader mode. His eyes found Xavier, who waited for an order. “Find everything you can online, including any video footage. Call Jack Thorne and get his help as well.”

“What about me?” Jaxon asked, still sitting next to Adrianna.

Jensen took a second to gently put Sienna down, then looked at his brother. “I need you to look after them.”

Jaxon nodded without hesitation. It was in his nature to argue and question orders, especially if they kept him away from where the action was, but even he knew how important it was to keep Sienna safe.

“What will you do?” Sienna asked him, recovering from the shock.

“I’ll go talk to my father to see what they know,” Jensen replied and ran his fingers through his black hair.

Sienna hated how easily they went from being happy to angry and lost. It was unsettling to know just how much power Kyle held over all of them.

Jensen’s phone rang, getting everyone’s attention. He took it out of his pocket and frowned when he saw the caller ID.

“What is it?” he barked into the phone, his patience practically non-existent.

Sienna watched Jensen’s face as he listened to whatever the caller had to say, but his facial expressions didn’t give anything away. After what seemed like the longest phone conversation ever with only one party talking, Jensen finally nodded more to himself than anyone else.

“Okay,” he said when he must’ve realized that the caller couldn’t see him nod.

Everyone looked at him, waiting for an update after he hung up. Jensen’s eyes met Sienna’s.

“You have a visitor,” he told her, then looked at Jaxon. “Go to Tina and make sure she’s safe. Stay with her until I say otherwise.”

“Why her?” Jaxon asked, his brows furrowing in confusion.

“Just do it,” Jensen barked, then nodded at Xavier and Aiden. “You two know what to do. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay,” Aiden nodded, and was the first to leave the room. It was important to get to the scene as soon as possible, and they’d already wasted enough time as it was.

Xavier put on his headphones and redoubled his efforts in scouring the web. Jaxon sighed and went to get Tina, leaving Sienna and Adrianna alone with Jensen.

“What’s going on?” Sienna asked, feeling strong enough to stand up again. “Who’s the visitor?”

“It’s Samson,” Jensen replied and grabbed his jacket. “Let’s go. The sooner we talk to him, the sooner we’ll know what happened.”

Sienna didn’t need to be told twice. She followed Jensen down the hallway and was happy to see that Adrianna was right behind her. She appreciated her best friend’s support now more than ever.

The word about the attack must’ve spread because the guards were crowding the hallways, their eyes on high alert, taking them all in without missing a beat. They seemed to be waiting for something or someone. When they came closer to them, Sienna struggled to hide her surprise when she realized that not all of them wore the red Carrington insignia. Some of them were loyal to the Lockwoods, to her father. Their presence here could mean only one thing. Shit was about to go down.

Jensen opened the door to the office, letting her and Adrianna go in first. Sienna’s chest warmed up at the memory of her and Jensen playing chess in this very room. It seemed like so long ago and they were completely different people back then. The biggest change was that they didn’t hate each other anymore, which was one development she was very grateful for. Jensen became one of her favorite people in the whole world and she couldn’t imagine her life without him in it.

They were the first ones in, but they weren’t alone for long. Mr. Carrington and her father joined them in the next couple of minutes. Sienna and Adrianna remained seated while Jensen jumped to his feet and approached them.

“Do we know what happened? Who has died?” Jensen asked with a surprisingly calm voice.

Mr. Carrington lifted his hand as if to stop him from asking more questions. He looked like he had aged at least ten years since she’d last seen him not even a full day ago.

“Our reports are a bit confusing, but Mr. Ball is on his way and I’m sure he’ll shed some light on the matter,” Mr. Carrington replied as if he was talking about what they would have for lunch.

Sienna gritted her teeth to prevent herself from snapping at Mr. Carrington. Her common sense told her that he was trying to keep them all together and it was a good attribute for a leader to have. She should’ve taken a page out of his book and followed his lead, but she couldn’t stop thinking that someone close to her had died. Another friend gone.

To her surprise, her father joined her on the sofa and even though he didn’t say anything, Sienna appreciated having him near her. They exchanged small smiles when a knock on the door got their attention.

“Come in,” Mr. Carrington called and stopped pacing up and down the room.
