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“I entered the premises without any problems,” the guy started, his voice turning somewhat robotic and practiced. “I waved at the guard in the front to look friendly and to make it look like I do this every day. I walked around, pretending to know where I’m going, and looked for Mrs. Remington’s car. I spotted it on the third floor. The driver was standing by the emergency exit, having a smoke and drinking coffee. I used stealth to approach the car, then stuck the bomb underneath it on the driver’s side. I left the scene and didn’t talk to anyone until right now.”

At last, Kyle nodded in approval. The corners of his mouth curled up into a wicked smile as he rubbed his hands together with eagerness. He looked at Jim.

“Can we see her go boom?”

“Of course, Sir,” Jim told him, then handed him a remote. “When the time comes, all you need to do is press the red button. I’ll drive us as close as I can without putting us in danger or raising too much suspicion.”

They didn’t need to wait long before Sienna’s car was on the move again. Even though the windows were tinted, they could see dark silhouettes of people sitting in the back. There was no doubt in Kyle’s mind that his soon-to-be-dead wife was one of them.

True to his word, Jim followed the car at a safe distance for them not to be spotted. Kyle tightened his grip on the remote.

“This is for you, Dad,” he whispered, then pressed the button and watched the car explode.


“Iheardyou’reprogressingnicely with your training,” Jensen said between bites.

Ever since Sienna gave her life away to Kyle, it seemed like she and her heirs were doing the same things over and over again. If they weren’t eating, they were fucking. If they weren’t fucking, they were training, and if they weren’t training, they were eating again. Their life was a constant loop without an end in sight. Despite the repetitiveness of her days, Sienna wasn’t complaining about the fucking part. At least her needs didn’t go unsatisfied.

“I like to think so too,” she replied, then added with a flirty voice, “All those massages are a big help with the soreness.”

Jaxon was the only one who openly reacted, his mouth turned up into a confident smile as he winked at her. Jensen didn’t give any indication of regretting what they’d done, although she knew he wasn’t keen on sharing her. Lucky for her, even the eldest heir himself wasn’t powerful enough to argue the Carrington’s code of honor.

“We’ve finally started with basic punches,” Aiden said, staying on point as usual. “Tomorrow, we might do a few kicks. We’ll see how everything goes and how tired you’ll be by the end of the session.”

“I’m pretty sure that I won’t be too tired to spread my legs,” Sienna said and giggled when Jensen choked on his drink. He went into a coughing fit, his face turning a bright shade of red. His reactions were all the encouragements she needed to keep on making inappropriate jokes.

The other heirs exchanged amused glances, but before they could continue their endless teasing, Adrianna rushed into the suite. Aiden was on his feet first, a gun in his hand at Sienna’s best friend’s sudden and unexpected interruption. Jensen’s face was still red, but his eyes were on high alert. Jaxon held a steak knife in his hand, while Xavier was the only one who didn’t bother getting up.

“I knew she was coming,” Xavier explained after Jensen shot him a look. “I’ve set up surveillance down the corridors.”

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Jensen asked, but before Xavier could answer, Adrianna got their attention again.

“There was a bombing,” she told them between breaths.

Sienna’s body filled with dread, freezing her blood. The whole thing had been too much. She couldn’t take any more loss. Right now, it seemed like the constant fear would never go away and she would never stop looking over her shoulder. Living like this didn’t seem worth it. The only plus of her lock-up situation was that she was surrounded by her handsome Carrington heirs, but she knew that they wouldn’t be able to take it much longer.

“What happened?” Aiden asked, going straight to the point again by demanding the information.

Adrianna’s eyes filled with tears as she looked at Sienna. Her words were a scrambled mess mixed with hiccups and crying.

“Your car… office… Kyle… dead.”

Sienna’s heart stopped at the last part even though she wasn’t sure what it meant. She didn’t dare to think that it was Kyle who’d died. Surely, she wasn’t lucky enough for his own attempt to kill her to backfire.

It was Jaxon who took the initiative and walked up to Adrianna. He took her hands in his with surprising gentleness and led her to the sofa.

Aiden was anxiously shifting his weight from one foot to another, doing everything in his power to hold back. Jensen stepped behind Sienna, offering her silent support, which she needed and appreciated more than she’d thought. Xavier was the only one who seemed like he wasn’t paying attention, but he was good at multitasking, so he kept one ear to the conversation, while his eyes were searching for any news about the bombing Adrianna had been talking about.

“Ade,” Jaxon said with a soft voice and a patience that was so unlike him. “What happened?”

Adrianna kept her eyes locked on Jaxon, who showed her to take a deep breath. When she exhaled, she gave him a nod, indicating that she was ready to try again. Jaxon gave her hand a comforting squeeze and sat next to her.

Adrianna looked at Sienna, her cheeks wet with tears. Sienna put a hand on her heart, bracing herself to receive bad news.

“I don’t know for sure exactly what happened, but your lawyer’s dead,” Adrianna said at last.

“No,” Sienna breathed, her mind conjuring up a picture of young Samson fresh out of college.
