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Jensen’s eyes flared, but before he could say anything, Mr. Lockwood jumped in.

“I’m afraid she’s right,” he said, sounding resigned, but not any less formidable. “We’ll put an army on your tail if we have to.”

Sienna shot him a grateful look, then turned to Samson, who wordlessly watched the whole exchange.

“You told me that after the deal’s done, I’m still going to have to come to the office to sign some documents and meet some people,” Sienna said as another idea occurred to her.

Samson nodded, his mind following hers. “Yes, and well, the time would be now. Before my dad died, he finished the negotiation, so all we need now is your signature. Actually, yours and Mrs. Remington’s.”

“Tina’s?” Sienna asked, her brows furrowing in confusion.

“Yes,” Samson confirmed, then explained. “Since you shared your fortune with her, she’s also half of the owner of the company, which means that we can’t move forward without her agreement too.”

Sienna looked at Jensen, who despite being angry with the new turn of events decided to be supportive and help.

“Do you think she’s ready to leave the house?” Sienna asked him, then said to herself more than to anyone else. “We should explain the risks to her before we ask her to get in the car.”

“Jaxon’s there right now. We should talk to her,” Jensen said, reminding her that the other heirs had their own little assignments.

“There’s no time like the present,” Sienna agreed, then looked at Samson. “Can you set everything up for tomorrow morning?”

“I’ll call in the board meeting as well as organize a video call with our new investors,” Samson assured her. “All you need to do is show up safe and sound.”

“I’ll see you there.”

Sienna nodded at everyone in the room, then gestured for Jensen to follow her. The sooner she talked to Tina, the better. Besides, she deserved to know about Kyle’s latest move.


JaxonheardSiennaandJensen approaching and opened the door before they could knock. Even though he had an easy smile on his face, his eyes were alert and a cocked gun ready in his hand.

It was still weird to Sienna to see someone else in her room, although the moment she entered, she could see that Tina made some adjustments. Sienna shook her head and ignored it because now was not the time nor the place to focus on such banalities.

“What happened?” Jaxon asked, eager to know the details.

Jensen gave his gun a pointed look, but Jaxon only shrugged, then tucked it in the back of his pants. Sienna pushed past them and searched for Tina, who was sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Jaxon told me there was a bombing,” Tina said, giving Sienna an opening to explain.

Sienna didn’t waste time and went straight to the point. Jensen added an occasional important detail whenever she forgot it. Jaxon reacted at all the right moments with loud and angry absurdity one would expect, while Tina was a surprising picture of calmness.

“I’m going to take a wild guess and say that you need my help with something,” Tina said when everyone fell quiet.

Sienna took a deep breath and nodded. “Yes and no. Well, it’s complicated.”

“Just tell it the way it is,” Tina said encouragingly while maintaining a neutral mask on her face, which gave them no insight as to what she was thinking.

“We need to go to the office to meet with the investors and sign the deal. I can’t do it alone, because you own half of the company,” Sienna replied, adopting the same matter-of-fact attitude that Tina was sporting. “The problem is that danger is higher than usual, especially, because we’ll spread the word of us going out. We’d like to lure Kyle out in the open and hopefully end this once and for all.”


“Before you say anything—” Sienna stopped herself, tilted her head to the side and looked at Tina. “What?”

“Okay,” Tina repeated.

“Just like that?” Sienna asked, surprised at how easy it was.

Tina sighed, got up, and walked to the window. She kept her eyes on whatever she was seeing out there as she spoke up, “I want this nightmare to end just as much as any of you. I’d like to start a new chapter of my life as soon as possible. Fuck this, I want to start a new book. The whole fucking series. I’ve wasted enough time in those bastards’ clutches.”
