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Sienna exchanged a look with Jensen who gave her a curt nod. His disagreement with her plan was clearly written on his face, but there was nothing he could do. Maybe she could make the next few hours fly faster for both of them. Her belly fluttered as the seeds of her idea took root, but she shook her head to clear it. Now was not the time nor the place for those kinds of thoughts. It didn’t matter because the plan had already formed itself.

“We’ll go tomorrow, first thing in the morning,” Sienna told her.

Tina turned her way and nodded in acknowledgment. “I’ll be ready.”

Jensen’s phone beeped in his pocket. His brows furrowed as he read the message.

“Aiden’s back,” he informed them after he sent a message of his own. “I told him to meet us in the suite. Tina, do you want to come?”

“I do,” she said, then added, “Thanks.”

Tina grabbed a sweater, then followed Sienna and the two Carrington heirs down one hallway after another until they’d arrived in the annex of the compound.

Aiden was pacing up and down the room, looking both nervous and angry. Xavier was typing furiously on his computer, but when the group entered the room and sat behind the table, he closed the lid to join the conversation.

Sienna sat next to Xavier, and he put his arm over the back of her chair. With such a small gesture, he made her feel protected and safe. With the Carrington heirs at her side, she could do everything.

“What did you find out?” Jensen asked, his eyes on Aiden.

“It was bad, Jensen,” Aiden said with a grave voice. “The bomb they used was fucking strong. They blew up half of the street. There are a lot more casualties than just the driver and the lawyer.”

“Harrison Ball,” Sienna corrected. “His name was Harrison Ball. I don’t want him known as the lawyer. He was a good and loyal man, and he deserved better.”

“Right, Harrison Ball,” Aiden repeated and gave her an apologetic look before continuing, “Mr. Ball’s secretary was also in the car. The police informed me that apart from them, there were six more casualties, so all in total nine. Besides that, there were also two light injuries and one critical.”

“Fuck,” Sienna muttered and covered her mouth with her hand.

It wasn’t easy to know that even though Kyle was responsible for all those deaths, part of the fault was also on her. She should’ve done something about him earlier, but she couldn’t have known he’d turn out to be such a monster. If the Carrington heir hadn’t kidnapped her that night, she’d have had a taste of just how horrible he was. Maybe it was her fault because she was teasing him. People might’ve said that she was looking for trouble and now she has to reap what she sowed. It was fucking bullshit. His insanity wasn’t her fault. He wasn’t her fault, but his death would be. She would personally make sure that he’d get a bullet both in his head as well as his heart. Bonus points if she’d have him on his knees before that. He’d say goodbye to this world in an execution style.

Sienna had never thought that the fantasies about murder and torture would make her feel better, but they did. Times had changed and she had to change with it, or she’d be left behind. Never again.

“What do you have?” Jensen asked Xavier through gritted teeth, his face red with fury. “Did you track him?”

“I found a footage of a car that he might’ve used,” Xavier said, but by the tone of his voice Sienna knew that it didn’t lead anywhere. “That same car had been found just out of the city, completely burned up. I’ve tried to search for Kyle, and for a while, I managed to follow his movements, but then he simply disappeared.”

“How’s that possible?” Jaxon asked, speaking up for the first time.

“I think that someone hacked into the system and tampered with the footage,” Xavier said, although he sounded a bit unsure.

“Okay, here’s what we’re going to do,” Jensen said, confidently taking the lead just as he was trained to do as the oldest heir of the Carrington empire. “Jaxon, you’re going to drive Xavier to Thorne’s offices. They have state of the art computers that I want Xavier to use.”

“Why do I have to drive?” Jaxon asked more out of curiosity than complaining.

“Because I don’t want him tired when he gets there. I want him focused. Also, he might need to use the computer while on the road, and right now, I don’t trust anyone else to drive him. We might have allies, but at the end of the day, the only people we can really trust are family,” Jensen said and looked around the room to see if the message was received. When he was satisfied, he turned to Aiden. “Grab a group of men and be on standby. Xavier will run a check on everyone that had accessed the footage in the last twelve hours, and if there’s anything out of the ordinary, I want you to pay them a visit.”

“You can count on me,” Aiden assured him.

“If you don’t mind, I’ll go to my room and rest. Tomorrow is a big day, and I doubt I’ll get much sleep at night,” Tina said, not really asking for their permission.

“I’ll escort you,” Aiden offered, and she gave him a grateful nod.

“Our father and Mr. Lockwood will take care of the security measures for tomorrow. Mr. Lockwood has a lot of experience that we should rely on. I will check in with him and give my feedback on the plan, but mostly, I’ll keep Sienna safe until one of you returns,” Jensen said, handing out the tasks while yet again keeping Sienna out of all the action.

For once, she didn’t mind. She needed time to process the attack and its aftermath. There was no way she’d be getting any sleep unless she’d come up with something to do for the victims. If she got their names, she could make sure that their families were taken care of. It wasn’t much, but it was the best she could do. She would use her alone time with Jensen to talk to him about it as well as to relieve the endless amount of stress that was burdening them.

Jaxon and Xavier were the first ones to leave, while Aiden went to change his clothes. He complained about smelling like smoke and dead bodies. There wasn’t enough time for him to take a shower, which must’ve been one of the reasons why he sprayed half a bottle of deodorant over himself.

Sienna was glad he was leaving because the scent in the air was just too much for any sane person to handle. She wasn’t the only one thinking it because she noticed Tina’s nose twitch the moment it reached her.
