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Kyle gave him a look but dropped the subject and nodded instead. “When then?”

“I don’t know,” Jim replied honestly and scratched the back of his neck. He furrowed his brows as if mentally doing some calculations before continuing, “We’re going to start preparing Molotov cocktails right now. I’ll make a few calls and bring all our weapons to one place, so we can suit up our new army. I think we should feed them before sending them to war. It would give them strength and keep them from falling over because of a stupid and easily avoidable thingssuch ashunger.”

“Fine, grab a couple of pizzas,” Kyle agreed and rolled his eyes. “There’s one in the Italian quarter that was owned by my brother. Put some fear into the owner to give you enough pizzas to feed an army.”

Jim scratched his chin, then grinned. “Do you have a preference for any special toppings?”

Kyle’s eyes flashed with annoyance. He was sick and tired of this conversation. It was long overdue for Jim to get his fucking ass out of this hell hole and put their plan in action. Kyle might not have the means to attack the Carringtons right now, but that only managed to delay the inevitable. He would destroy them, and it was literally only a matter of hours before that would happen.

“As a matter of fact, yes, I do,” he hissed, his voice low and loaded with anger. His lips curved up in a manic smile that made him look utterly mental and like a person who escaped an asylum of the worst kind. “The base I want extra crispy. Like properly burned and shit. Then for salsa on top of it, I’d like to use a nice cocktail made of blood of all the fucking Carringtons, Lockwoods, my sister-in-law, and my fucking soon-to-be-dead wife. I’m rather flexible when it comes to meat and don’t really care which part of their body you cut off to use it. Cheese is the only part that I’ll want to do myself and it comes from my wife’s sweetest area. I’ll prove to her that no matter what she might think of me, I’m the only one who can fulfil her most fucked-up desires.”

“You’re disgusting,” Jim said, then staggered two steps back, when Kyle jumped at him, grabbed his collar and slammed him against the wall.

Jim groaned in pain, but Kyle didn’t seem to hear it, or he simply didn’t care. He slammed his right-hand man again and again, until Jim’s eyes were blurred as if in a daze. Only then, did Kyle finally let him go.

“Get the army, prepare the weapons, and we’ll make my favorite kind of pizza.”

Jim swayed on his feet and did everything in his power to get far away as quickly as possible. He picked up the lighter from the floor that he dropped when Kyle attacked him.

“Right away, Boss,” Jim said and left to do as he was told.

Kyle walked to the sofa and laid down. He closed his eyes, intending to take a little nap before shit went down and he’d need to be at his top game. The images behind his eyelids were all about Sienna and the fun they’d have together. Soon, they’d be reunited, and he’d never again let her go. He drifted off to sleep with an eerie smile on his face.


Apairofhandsgrabbed Sienna’s shoulders and shook her roughly. Her eyes were still sleepily glued together and blurry when she opened them because she didn’t have the chance to rub them awake. Following the first instinct when grabbed in the middle of the night, Sienna did what Aiden had taught her and fought back.

With her hands, she reached up and grabbed the attacker by his wrists, but then instead of trying to pry him off, she twisted his wrists until he was forced to let go. By then her vison was somewhat cleared, but the room was covered in darkness. The full moon was throwing in enough light through the window that she could clearly see the silhouette of the attacker. His head was right above hers, which gave her an idea that she would hate, but knew from experience to be highly effective.

Sienna gritted her teeth, pushed her head back into the pillow to gain momentum, then lifted it high up as fast as she could until her forehead collided with her attacker’s nose. She heard a satisfying crunch, followed by the immediate loosening of her attacker’s grip on her as he reached up to cover his face and groaned.

It was then that Sienna knew she had fucked up. She recognized the sound and the room she was in. It was as if all the pieces slid into its place, bringing her out of a nightmare that she thought was stuck.

“Fuck, Aiden, I’m so sorry,” she said, her eyes wide in horror. She tried to reach up and touch him, but he moved away, waving her off.

“Did she break your nose again?” Jaxon asked, his voice sleepy and muffled by the layer of blankets he was covered with.

If Sienna felt guilty before, now that feeling was doubled. Aiden was doing what she asked him to and that was how she repaid him. Her stomach fluttered at the intense and rough way he warned her about messing with him during their first gym session when his nose was all patched up and swollen. The heat from the memory of how their relationship progressed made her cheeks burn and she had to bite her lower lip to keep herself from making a noise that would call attention to her. The experience told her it was best to keep a low profile until he calmed down.

“I have to get up in two hours and have a mountain of papers to go through. Get the fuck out of here and let us sleep,” Jensen ordered, sounding more tired than annoyed. Sienna realized that she didn’t hear him go to sleep and was pretty sure that he hadn’t been in bed for long.

“Let’s go,” Aiden barked at Sienna, then went to the door without waiting to see if she was following.

For once, Sienna did as he said without arguing, not wanting to upset him even more. The first part of their training session was bound to be hell, but he would cool down soon enough and they’d have fun in their usual torturing way.

The guilt kept on stabbing at her until she made a mental note to make it up to him in some other way. She wasn’t sure yet how, but she would follow his lead. She might try going down on him first and see how he reacted. Sooner or later, she’d have him wrapped around her little finger again.

Aiden handed her the gym bag but didn’t wait for her to change her clothes. They walked side by side down the hallway toward the gym. Aiden clutched his nose with one hand, gently squeezing it between his thumb and index finger. Sienna kept her eyes on the ground two steps ahead of her, holding her gym bag close to her chest.

Their journey to the gym passed in an uncomfortable silence. The whole way there, Sienna couldn’t stop thinking of how to talk to him or what to say. By the time that she kind of came up with an opener, they’d already arrived, and Aiden went straight to the radio, leaving her behind in a way that made it clear to her that now was the time she had to change her clothes.

Sienna pulled out of the bag her shorts, a t-shirt, and gym shoes, then reluctantly took off the clothes she had slept in. The goosebumps appeared on her skin, and her body shivered when the chill air clashed against her warmth. As quickly as she could, she dressed up and moved to the treadmill, knowing that Aiden would start them off with that. She was eager to start the warm-up, but at the same time couldn’t shake the residue of disgust that her morning breath made her feel. She told herself that after they were done with running, she’d ask Aiden to let her brush her teeth.

Instead of the usual rock music that Aiden liked to listen to during their exercises, the loud sounds of metal screamed through the speakers. Sienna resisted the urge to cover her ears, knowing that it would give Aiden more pleasure to see her suffering. It was his way of punishment for hitting him.

It wasn’t fair though. Instead of acting like a hurt dick, he should’ve been proud of her for fighting back. It was him who taught her, and it wasn’t her fault that he was unprepared for her body to react the way he drilled it to. The student might’ve surprised the master, but there was still a lot of knowledge to be passed on before there could be a talk of surpassing. Sienna wasn’t a fool and knew she wasn’t anywhere close to Aiden’s level, but at least she would be able to hold her own in a fight. It was a comforting thought that made her feel a lot better than drinking a bottle of the most expensive wine in the world ever could.

Aiden was especially brutal this morning. Even though his nose wasn’t broken, and it stopped bleeding, he still harbored a grudge. He made them run for a solid fifty minutes with growing speed every ten minutes. By the time he let them stop, Sienna was ready to double over and vomit whatever contents were left in her empty stomach. It was only through sheer will that she kept moving.
