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Aiden allowed her to go to the bathroom but made it clear that she only had ten minutes and if she didn’t come out on time, she’d regret it. Sienna groaned and dragged herself to the bathroom, forcing herself to brush her teeth and splash a handful of cold water on her face. When she was done, she finally felt like a person again. If she was overridden with guilt for hitting Aiden before, she now wished that she had done it stronger. He was a dick who got off on pushing other people over the edge. Usually, she loved doing the jump, but that wasn’t the kind of edge that offered the release she preferred. She made a mental note that he would pay for it later.

Sienna returned with ten seconds to spare. Instead of being happy with her return on time, Aiden’s face darkened, no doubt hoping that she’d be late so he could rain his frustration all over her. Sienna was determined to do everything he asked of her, putting double the effort into her movements. She’d give him no reason to yell at her now, but later, she’d make him beg and scream her name. Fucking bastard thought himself on top of the world. She would show him his place, put him on his knees in front of her and doing whatever she bid him to.

Only thanks to those thoughts of her inner empowerment and future torture of her favorite martial arts teacher, Sienna managed to push herself through all the sets of exercises he made them do.

Sienna groaned through the pull-ups. Aiden insisted that she needed to build her upper body strength by developing muscles in her upper back. He kept on yelling at her to squeeze her shoulder blades together to activate her back muscles. She didn’t say anything and did as he said, knowing that he knew best.

He only let her drink a mouthful of water before he had her doing push-ups. No matter how much she hated it, she was painfully aware that this way a good way to build strength that she’d need to put more power behind her punches. There was no point in punching if it felt like a slap.

For thrusters, he had her using weights and she was happy to note that she progressed as he gave her a heavier set. She still hated it and would prefer to do yoga or some other relaxing shit, but she wanted to be a deadly warrior, which was impossible to achieve through meditation.

Aiden told her that overhead presses would strengthen her shoulders, which would help her keep her guard up, especially when she was fatigued. The bastard had her do twelve reps. Sienna could’ve sworn that she would die when she pushed herself through the last three.

Comparing to overhead presses, doing deadlifts was practically nothing. It helped that Aiden had her focus on her good form instead of overwhelming her with the extra weight.

After squats with a barbell, Sienna realized that Aiden didn’t plan on practicing any kicks or punches. He was letting out his suppressed anger by torturing her with the bullshit he knew she hated. Even though she’d prefer to do some actual fighting, she couldn’t deny that building her muscles and gaining strength would help her.

To finish off their torture session, Aiden had her do fifteen reps of burpees and instead of their usual three sets, he grinned and happily told her that today she’d be doing five sets. Throughout the whole thing, Sienna fantasized about smashing his head against the wall until his nose was nothing but a perfect pancake. Fuck that, pancake was too generous. She would make a crepe out of it, then force him to thank her for not cutting it out and turning him into Lord Voldemort.

“I think we can finally start with the technique,” Aiden announced after Sienna finished the last set of burpees.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” she snapped, unsure if he was joking or not.

“We could’ve started earlier, but you dragged your ass through the warmups,” he replied with a nonchalant shrug.

“I’m going to kill you,” she hissed, but he blatantly dismissed her threat with a wave of his hand.

At least he let her rest for seven minutes and five seconds before he started lecturing on her footwork. First, he had her making half-steps forward, backward, left, and right, then they were finally doing the full steps with the same movements, until they added a pivot and rear steps with evasive actions. In the end, he had her moving freely around, circling, pivoting, advancing, and retreating with proper balance in what he called shadowboxing.

Despite being tired to the bone, Sienna finally felt like she was doing something that mattered. Aiden was pushing her harder than ever before and she was shining with pride as she realized that the bottom was further than she thought. She had more reserves of energy than her body made her believe and she was learning to recognize her strengths.

“Can you last three minutes of jabs and straight kicks?” Aiden asked, his face musing in a way that Sienna wanted to kick him instead of the empty air.

“Keep your balance,” he ordered over the music when she swayed to the side. “Slightly lean back and bring your hips forward to keep the weight shift strong.”

Sienna did as he said and at once felt the difference. Not only that her position was more solid, but also her kicks and jabs packed more power behind them.

“Great,” he said with the slightest hint of approval in his voice. “Now do a variety of punches but the kicks still need to be straight.”

Sienna tilted her head to the side as she looked at him, then furrowed her brows in confusion. She wasn’t sure what kind of punches he was talking about.

“Hooks, uppercuts, crosses, and occasionally jab,” he explained, then continued as she started. “Make sure that as you throw a left hook, your weight shifts to your right foot by the time the punch ends, and then the other way around for the right hook.”

Sienna gave him a curt nod in acknowledgment and focused on what he was saying. He made occasional comments about her posture, form, and balance, but all in all, she was doing a damn good job.

“Let’s do an uppercut now, but make sure that it comes out like a rear straight with an upturned fist and only have a moderate bend in the arm,” he said, then demonstrated a perfectly executed uppercut first two times in slow motion, then picking up speed until she could barely see him moving.

Sienna tried herself but the way she moved was a million times slower than Aiden. He told her that first she needed to become comfortable with the form before she could start speeding it up. Besides, once it would become second nature to her, she’d be doing it automatically, but right now, her brain was still too heavily involved in the process.

“Let’s do the kicks now,” Aiden said. “Try doing different types of kicks off the same leg. It will help improve the balance and the technique. For example, do a right round kick, immediately followed by a right side kick. Let’s do a couple sets on one leg, then another. The better you get at doing multiple kicks off the same leg, the better dexterity and control you’ll have.”

“Awesome,” Sienna muttered under her breath and proceeded to kick the empty air. Quite frankly, she was impressed with herself for still being able to move at all.

When he was satisfied, he joined her into a free-form of shadowboxing, having her focused on her footwork and evading, while he was throwing kicks and punches her way in a slightly faster slow motion. Sienna was surprised to see that the defensive techniques already came more or less automatically. For the first time since they started training, she began remembering her old training and slowly implemented the moves that she learned from her previous trainers.

One of those moves caught Aiden by surprise and she broke through his guard, making him lose his balance so he fell with his back against the floor, but not before he got Sienna in his hold and pulled her down with him.

Sienna was painfully aware of Aiden’s strong chest against hers and his hard cock pressing against her soft belly. Her panties had grown moist just by thinking about it, rubbing her lower lips into arousal. He was breathing just as heavily as she was, their eyes locked in an unwavering and unblinking gaze.
