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Sienna decided that Kyle had to go. She would do her very best to kill him or at least go down swinging. Either way, the nightmare would end now.

Kyle got up on his feet and walked to the door of the gym to check something. With her back turned to her, Sienna saw the opportunity and without making too much noise or moving too suddenly, she started touching the area around her, looking for a weapon of sorts. Right now, she’d take literally anything.

She took a deep breath to push back the smile that threatened to make an appearance on her face when her fingers touched one of the dumbbells. She gripped it as best as she could and was relieved to see that it was the two-kilo one. If it was a heavier one, she’d have a hard time moving it inconspicuously and with the speed she needed.

“Okay, you brought this on yourself,” Kyle said, turning away from the door to return to where she was. “I didn’t want this to end like that. I really wanted us to try and make our marriage work, but you’ve fucked up too much and I have to cut my losses. I just want you to know that it’s nothing personal and that if we’d spend enough time together, I might even learn to love you.”

Kyle’s face turned red, and he burst out laughing. If there was any hint of softness in his eyes moments before, now there was only darkness and hate. Sienna bit her lower lip, mentally reminding herself to stay strong and wait for the right moment because she’d only get one chance to do this.

“Who am I kidding? Of course, it’s personal,” Kyle said and bared his teeth at her. “I can’t think of anything else that I’d enjoy more than killing you. I only wish that I could take my time with you, but hey, we can’t have it all. Are you ready to die, Sienna?”

Sienna let out a shaky breath, expelling the fear out of her body, then took a new one, filling herself with the courage she’d need to get this over with. Kyle put his hands in front of him as if reaching toward her to strangle her, but he never got to grip her neck, much less squeeze the air out of her because Sienna used all the remaining strength she had as she screamed and threw the dumbbell at Kyle, aiming for his head.

The next second was the longest one of her life as she waited to see if the dumbbell hit the target or she misjudged the trajectory. Kyle’s eyes widened in surprise and he didn’t have the time to move until all of a sudden, his body jerked to the side as the dumbbell hit the side of his head, breaking the skin and maybe even something else, or so Sienna had hoped.

Kyle fell on the ground, laying on his side. His hand went up to cup the head injury as his whimpers filled the silence. Sienna didn’t wait to see the result of her attack and did her best to push through the pain he inflicted on her as she struggled up on her unsteady feet.

She didn’t dare to look at Aiden and focused her eyes on the door instead. It was the only exit in sight and her only hope to survive. She limped and swayed through the steps, concentrating to keep the balance.

One step. Two steps. She did three steps when her left ankle got stuck and yanked back. She yelped as she lost the balance and the last thing she saw was Kyle laying on his stomach, his arm reached toward her and his fingers gripping her ankle. He had her in his grasp, and she didn’t have the strength to fight him off.

Sienna hit the floor, her head cracking against the side of the dumbbell that she used moments ago on Kyle. She tried to blink the dizziness away, but she was too tired. Even the adrenaline had left her body, knowing that it was a lost cause to keep on pumping through her veins. Aiden was dead, and she would soon join him.

The last thing Sienna saw before the darkness claimed her was Kyle struggling to crawl toward her. She would move away, but only after she rested for a second. Maybe two.


Sienna’sbackhadinsistentlybeen rubbed against something until it burned. The uncomfortable sensation forced her to open her eyes and move her body to try to change her position into something more comfortable.

The moment the light hit her eyes and her pupils grew smaller to constrict the excess of brightness, but that didn’t help with the sudden change. A muffled moan escaped her because of the slight bother in her eyes, but it was enough to get Kyle’s attention, which was when she realized in what position she had found herself in.

Kyle held her by her ankles, one in each of his hands, his fingers gripping her so tight that the bruise was already forming. He was dragging her along the floor, not even bothering to lift her up or taking care for her not to hit against any obstacles on the way.

The side of Kyle’s head was bleeding through a deep and wide gash where he was hit by Sienna’s dumbbell. His hair was matted against his hair, the sticky blood serving like some weird gel. He always carried a monster inside him, but now, it broke free and showed itself freely. Kyle looked more like a demon straight from hell than a human being. He was scary and deadly.

At first, Sienna was too disoriented to figure out where he was taking her, but when the skin on her arms touched the cold and slightly wet ground, she knew. Her fingers recognized the feel of the grass, even though it wasn’t the same one that she was familiar with. This was a new batch of recently planted green grass that was cultivated and nurtured by her mother Lisa Lockwood. She was the only one who gave a fuck about returning the gardens to their former glory.

If Sienna wasn’t in so much pain, she’d be tempted to roll her eyes and make some sarcastic remark about how fitting it was that Kyle was dragging her to the spot where the Ryder Massacre took place. If Sienna was to die, she’d be more than happy to do it where her family and friends lost their lives not that long ago. Being there made her feel close to them, giving her a comfort of knowing that she wasn’t alone.

“Let me go,” Sienna said when she realized that Kyle didn’t plan on stopping.

He ignored her and kept dragging her across the garden. A wave of panic rose inside Sienna, spreading over her body as he pulled her further away from her family and friends yet again. If she was to die, which was a high possibility, this would be the place she’d go. This was her stop, and it was time for Kyle to do what he came here to do, but she sure as hell wouldn’t make it easier on him.

Her fingers grabbed the wet grass as she dug her nails through the surface of the earth and into the dirt. It took her a couple of feet before she got a good grip and formed a resistance to Kyle’s pulls.

Kyle glanced back with a frown, his dark eyes shining with frustration. The slight change in his posture gave Sienna a chance to pull back her right leg, brace herself on her elbows, and kick him as hard as she could in his kidneys. The desired effect was immediate as Kyle let go of her ankles, doubled over, and gasped for breath. His face turned red as his features contorted with pain.

Sienna wasn’t about to repeat the same mistake by running away or letting him go. She would finish it right here and now. It would be a poetic way to avenge her family and friends who had died here because of the thirst for power that fueled the Remingtons. As the Ryder line was almost destroyed, now the last Remington would take his last breath and die along with the name of what used to be one of the most prominent families this country had seen. It was a shame, but a definite consequence of their actions. They put the wheel into motion and wouldn’t stop turning until it rode over all the responsible parties that were involved.

Sienna wasn’t sure how to proceed. She had never killed anyone. Not directly, at least. Kyle deserved it more than anyone she’d ever known, and he had it coming, but she already had a massive repertoire of nightmares keeping her up. Surely, another one wouldn’t make much difference. Actually, considering it was Kyle the one that would be her actual first, it might even make her feel better instead of worse.

“You fucking bitch,” he hissed between breaths. “I’m going to kill you.”

“Not if I kill you first,” Sienna replied with more confidence than she felt, but it was soon bolstered by a firm belief in her success when her fingers touched something solid. She grabbed it as if her life depended on it, which it probably did, and without looking what it was, she swung it at Kyle’s approaching figure, smashing it against the side of his head at the same spot the dumbbell hit him.

Kyle groaned in pain and collapsed to the ground, but he was still conscious and moving. Sienna wouldn’t underestimate him. He was a threat, maybe even a more dangerous one now that he was hurt. He was like a cornered animal, willing to bite at any sign of danger.

Sienna realized that it was a rock she’d hit him with. Her mother used them to mark the paths around the garden. There was a lot more around and Sienna didn’t even hesitate as she reached for another one. It was slightly bigger and sharper than the previous one, which meant that it would cause more damage.
