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Sienna crawled toward Kyle’s semi-conscious and shaking figure on the ground, suppressed the nauseating feelings of disgust that threatened to overcome her as she touched him and climbed on top of him. She put her leg over him, straddling his hips until she was comfortably sitting on top of him with as much balance as the position allowed her to.

Kyle was mumbling something under his breath. Thanks to the hit, he was still a bit out of it, but that wasn’t enough for Sienna. Sooner or later, he’d recover his wits and attack her again. She needed to finish him off first.

Sienna grabbed the rock with both hands, lifted her arms high above her head, then brought it down as hard as she could. She repeated the motion, doing it again and again and again. Kyle stopped making sounds, then he stopped squirming underneath her, then he just lay there in wait for the next blow. Sienna delivered it with a steady pace and rhythm. She had lost count of how many times she had hit him.

She lifted her arms and brought the rock down at him for her father. Repeated the movement, but this time she did it for her lawyer. With a scream, she smashed the rock against Kyle’s head for Aiden. Breathing heavily, her arms sore, she forced herself to lift them again, but this time when she wanted to bring them down, she was met with resistance.

Sienna pulled and pushed, but her arm wouldn’t go down. There was no sound of smashing or breaking. Her arms were suspended in the air, and no matter how hard she tried, they wouldn’t budge.

“Sienna! For fuck’s sake, will you stop? You’re going to hurt yourself!”

Sienna didn’t listen to the voice and kept on pulling. She had Kyle exactly where she wanted, and she needed to finish him off.

“Sienna! Stop! Look at him! He’s dead!”

Dead. Everyone was dead. Her whole family. Her friends. Her … Aiden.

Sienna opened her mouth and let out a long and loud cry. It was a sound full of anguish, sadness, and frustration. It was a sound that announced the end of the time as they knew it.

Her body was yanked back with so much force that she crashed against something solid and strong, but also warm and familiar. She was enveloped in a protective and loving embrace. Her cheek pressed against the person’s chest, she kept her eyes shut as her body shook. Tears fell freely down her cheeks as sobs choked her attempts to speak.

“Shh, it’s okay. You’re okay,” Jensen said with a soft voice, caressing her hair in soothing motions.

Sienna wrapped her arms around him, searching for guidance and the sense of security he always offered her. When she calmed down a bit, she took her first breath filled with relief because she realized Jensen was okay. He was here with her, holding her. It didn’t last long because she painfully reminded herself of the reason she had snapped.

“Aiden’s dead,” she forced out between sobs, then cried harder.

“No, no, no,” Jensen said quickly, then explained, “He’s lost a lot of blood, but the bullet didn’t hit any major organs. He does have some broken bones and other bruising, but he’s alive and on his way to the hospital.”

Sienna couldn’t believe her ears. She was certain that Aiden had died. She had seen him lying on the floor in his own massive puddle of blood, completely unmoving.

“He is?” she asked, needing to hear it again.

“Yes, he’s okay,” Jensen confirmed with a small smile, but then his face turned serious as he prepared himself to deliver bad news. “Unfortunately, not everyone was that lucky.”

Sienna’s breath hitched and she opened her mouth, wanting but not daring to ask who he was referring to. She opened and closed her mouth without any words coming out, looking like a fish out of water.

“Who?” she managed to ask at last. The word came out as a whisper, low enough for the possibility of Jensen not hearing her, but the way her mouth formed it, it was impossible not to put two and two together.

“For starters, him,” Jensen said and gestured at Kyle.

It was then that Sienna’s head turned his way, seeing for the first time what she had done. It was as if before she had been lost in some sort of trance where she moved without seeing. A whimper escaped her, and she jumped away from Kyle in horror. Jensen caught her mid-air, preventing her from falling and further hurting herself.

Sienna pressed her cheek against Jensen’s hard chest, needing his strong and stable presence to face what she had done. If Kyle was a monster from nightmares before, now he looked like a headless horseman from The Sleepy Hollow. Whatever was left of his head had been completely flattened and resembled more like a pancake than anything else. His brain had been splattered around the grass. The earth underneath them had already soaked most of the blood, pulling it deep down to the core just like it did with the blood of the last Ryders.

“I did this,” Sienna said, her voice sounding strange to her own ears. “He turned me into a monster. An out of control beast. I don’t even remember doing it.”

“You did what you had to in order to survive,” Jensen told her, then pulled her away from Kyle’s body. “Let’s go. I don’t want you to look at him any longer. Someone will be around to take care of him.”

Sienna nodded and let herself be led far away from Kyle’s mangled body. Slowly, her eyes refocused and she started seeing the damage done by Kyle’s attack. They’d have a lot of rebuilding and healing to do, but at least with the last Remington being dead, they also had a chance to finally start their lives. Sienna could only hope that waking up from a nightmare wouldn’t be as bad as living one.



Sienna turned toward the direction she heard Adrianna’s voice, then opened her arms as her best friend crashed into her, pulling her into a tight hug.

“I’m so glad you’re alive,” Adrianna cried into her hair. “I thought we’d lost you. When we found Aiden and you weren’t there… Fuck, Sienna… I’m so glad you’re okay.”
