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"Sit down, Jaxon," Jensen said with the authority of the leader. When Jaxon took his previous place, Jensen looked at Sienna and nodded for her to continue.

"We've been through a lot together," Sienna started, realizing that she had already forgotten her speech. Fuck it, she'd have to improvise. "I don't want to lose any of you, but I also need to find myself first. I would like to put my life back on track, which currently means taking over the business that Dahlia had left me. I also need to build a new home for myself and I think that the Aghayan mansion is the perfect place to do it. It will need some serious decorating, but it has a lot of potential. That being said, when I'm settled into my new life, I want to have you over for dinner. What do you say?"

The heirs exchanged glances that Sienna couldn't interpret. To her surprise, it was Jaxon who spoke up first.

"What kind of time are we talking about?" he asked, then added with a lighter tone, "I just need to know if I should eat dinner tomorrow or not."

Sienna breathed in relief, seeing that he was making a joke. She rolled her eyes, then replied just as lightheartedly, "You can eat dinner for the time being. I promise that I'll let you know well in advance. I'm not entirely sure about the timeline, but a couple of weeks?"

"It's just what I need to put myself back on my feet," Aiden told her, needlessly gesturing to his bedridden state.

"We have a lot of rebuilding to do as well," Jensen added, looking at his brothers. "Losing our father was a big hit, but because of the constant threat from Kyle, we haven't really had the time to settle into our new role. I suppose now we're not only leading one territory, but both of them. For the first time in centuries, the north and the south are united again."

Only now, it occurred to Sienna that Jensen was right. She wasn't the only one who had to rebuild her life and figure out her place in the new world. The Carrington heirs had just as much work to do as she had, or maybe even more. A little time apart to focus on what lay ahead would benefit them all.

Sienna gave them all a sincere and relieved smile. She would miss them, but the knowledge that was only for a short while, made their separation easier. Either way, she didn't need to think about it just yet. They had one last night together.

"How about we order a couple of pizzas and watch one of Aiden's horrible movies?" Sienna suggested and when the heirs agreed, she joined them on the sofa.

They placed an order for the pizzas and watched not one, but two movies. Sienna fell asleep in the arms of the people she loved the most. Tomorrow wouldn't only be a new day, but also a start of her new life. It would be hard to be away from them, but she knew that the separation would be temporary. Once they all did what they had to do, they'd be reunited again. When that happened, Sienna would never let them go. Not again.


Siennawaspacingupand down her newly renovated mansion, nervously glancing at the time and counting down the seconds separating her from seeing her Carrington heirs for the first time since she had said goodbye to them almost a month and a half ago.

Her new servants were on top of setting the dining room while the chefs took care of the final touches to finish preparing the food. Sienna knew that everything was in good hands, but she wanted it to be perfect. It was a special occasion and it was easier to focus on little things as opposed to what she planned to do.

The doorbell rang at last, startling Sienna. She saw one of the servants going to the door, but Sienna had stopped her.

“I’ll get it,” she told her, and the servant nodded in acknowledgment before returning to the kitchen to help.

Sienna’s heels made clicking sounds as she walked down the hall toward the front door. She caught a glance of herself in the mirror and smiled. She looked very sexy in her red dress that highlighted her best features. There was no doubt in her mind that the heirs were going to lose their minds when they saw her.

She stole another short second to compose herself. Her eyes shut, Sienna took a deep breath then exhaled, ready to host her guests. She leaned forward and grabbed the knob, twisting it aside, then opened the door with grandeur.

Her lips curled up into one of the biggest smiles she ever had, showing all her perfectly white teeth. It was impossible not to feel anything else but happy and complete when she was finally in the same room as her Carrington heirs.

“Welcome! Come in,” Sienna greeted them and stepped aside to let them enter.

The Carrington heirs were dressed in their usual designer black suit. They looked even more handsome as she remembered.

Jensen was the first one to enter, giving her a kiss on the cheek. Sienna inhaled, smiling when the scent of an expensive Dior perfume filled her nostrils. She wouldn’t be surprised to find out that Jensen spent at least an hour preparing himself for dinner. It was as important to him, to all of the heirs, as it was to her.

“You look stunning,” Jensen told her, his eyes travelling up and down her body, not bothering to disguise his thoughts. He seemed more relaxed and open as he was two months ago. The time of peace suited him well.

“So do you,” Sienna replied with a smile. “Being the boss brings a certain kind of sexiness to you that you didn’t have before.”

Jensen rolled his eyes, but didn’t have the time to reply because Aiden gave him a slight push from behind, eager to talk to her.

“Aiden! You look amazing,” Sienna exclaimed and leaned forward to kiss his cheek.

“Fully recovered and back in the gym,” Aiden replied, then showcased his biceps.

“My lady,” Jaxon greeted her, bowed his head, and took her hand to press his lips against her knuckles. “If you don’t mind me saying, you’re even more beautiful than my silly old mind remembers.”

“And you’re just as charming as ever,” Sienna said, pulled her hand out of his and lifted his chin instead to give him a kiss on the cheek.

Jaxon grinned then moved forward to let Xavier in as well. Instead of giving him a kiss, Sienna leaned toward the nerdiest of the bunch and hugged him.
