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“It’s so good to see you,” she told him.

Xavier rubbed her back before tightening his arms around her. “I’ve missed you too.”

Sienna pulled away, then glanced at the heirs again. Jensen gave her a bottle of wine, Jaxon a bouquet of roses, Aiden a box of chocolates, and Xavier a big cake that they’d have for after dinner.

“Looks completely different,” Xavier commented, looking around the mansion. “You did a good job.”

“Thanks,” Sienna said with a smile. “Tina knew some people, and they presented us a couple of designs. Luckily, we both liked the same one.”

“Speaking of the devil, where is Tina?” Jaxon asked, looking around as if she was going to walk into the room at any moment.

“She’s in Dubai for business,” Sienna replied casually. “We’re expanding our company, and a lot of the investors live there.”

“Sounds impressive,” Jensen commented with a hint of pride in his voice.

“Samson’s a great asset. He knows a lot about the company and about the market. With his help, we grew tenfold in a very short amount of time.”

In the dining room, Sienna sat at the head of the table, with Jensen on her right side, and Aiden on her left. Jaxon was seated next to Aiden while Xavier took the place at Jensen’s side. The heirs looked appreciatively at the exquisitely set table.

Sienna instructed one of the waiters to open one of the bottles of wine that the heirs had brought. The waiter generously filled their glasses, then moved to the side to give them some privacy.

“What about you guys?” Sienna asked. “What have you been up to?”

Jensen cleared his throat and put his glass down. “Aiden and I have been working on connecting with people and to hear their needs. Xavier’s new app helps a lot with getting their message to us. We had no idea just how bad the situation was, but we’re doing our best.”

“That sounds promising,” Sienna said, meaning it. “I’ve no doubt in my mind that our city will thrive under your leadership. If there’s anything I can do to help, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

Jensen smiled and bowed his head in thanks.

“How’s Aurora doing?” Sienna asked, wondering about their mother.

“Believe it or not, Jaxon stepped up to take care of her,” Aiden said with admiration in his voice.

Jaxon rolled his eyes, but Sienna could see the feeling of pride on his face. “She needed some distraction and who’s better at providing it than me? I only took her to the country a bit. She never had a chance to live and see the world. I’d like to show her the beauty that’s around us, you know? She’s never seen the Eiffel Tower in Paris or walked the Great Wall of China or even seen the Niagara Falls. She did a hell of a job raising us, and now she deserves to reap the rewards.”

“With you?” Sienna asked with a teasing voice, her eyes sparkling in amusement.

Jaxon let out a low chuckle. “Don’t worry, I’m nowhere near as crazy as to bring her to any of the parties that you and I attended. Even I have my limits.”

“I find that slightly hard to believe, but if you say so, then I suppose you’re right,” Sienna replied with a knowing smile.

The conversation was momentarily interrupted by the servants bringing the food. The next twenty minutes or so, all they could talk about was food. No one wanted to touch anything serious while chewing. Sienna’s chefs had served them creamy vegetable soup, followed by the main course, which was roasted pork and potatoes. The Carrington heirs and Sienna enjoyed the meal and commented about not being able to eat even one more bite. Even though they were quite adamant about it, they didn’t see it through when the dessert was delivered. They didn’t only have the cake that the heirs had brought, but they also managed to eat a couple of slices of homemade Bailey’s cheesecake.

When they had finished eating, Sienna invited them to the salon. She grabbed the newly opened bottle of wine and her glass, then led her guests to the room, where she planned on having one of the hardest conversations of her life, which could turn out to be the best thing that had ever happened to her or could result in her losing whatever little she had left and cared for in this world.

“Sit down, please,” Sienna told the heirs, then waited for them to make themselves comfortable. With a glass of wine in her hand, she began pacing up and down the room.

“Everything okay?” Aiden asked, his face full of worry.

Sienna threw a smile his way, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “Yeah, I’m just nervous,” she replied. “There’s something very important I need to talk to you about.”

“Are you in trouble?” Jensen asked, immediately jumping in his role as a hero.

“No, nothing like that,” Sienna said, dismissing the notion with a wave of her hand. “Okay, what I have to tell you is really important and personal. I need you all to pay attention and keep your mouth shut until I’m done. After that, I promise that you’ll have your opportunity to speak and give your opinion on the matter.”

“Why do I have the feeling that I’m going to need more wine?” Jaxon mused, then leaned forward to snatch the bottle from the table. He generously filled up his glass, then waved the bottle around as if asking if anyone else wanted it. Sienna emptied her glass in one big gulp before bringing it closer to Jaxon for a refill.

She forced herself to stand still in the middle of the room to get a good look at her guests. If things went bad, this could be the last time she had all of them in one place.
