Page 8 of Next in Line

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“That’s a very good point,” Aiden said and glanced down at the papers again. “Then we have Yvonne Rees. She’s not of much importance, except that she’s been Willie’s booty call for years now.”

Sienna shrugged. “I don’t see why that matters.”

Aiden looked up with a smile. “Here’s the real kicker. Yvonne is married and has two kids. Her family doesn’t know about her affair with Willie. She’s a stay-at-home wife who likes to get some extra exercise on the side.”

“How naughty of her to do the dirty with Willie,” Sienna joked. “We could try and use that. Will she be there?”

“Yeah, but I think it’s best not to blackmail the Friedmans. We should try to get them on our side by gaining their trust and respect. Sadly, those things can’t be achieved overnight and through illegal means.”

Sienna sighed. “You’re no fun. And here I thought I’d have fun talking to Yvonne.”

“You can still have a certain degree of fun, but just be sure you don’t cross the line. It’s a very, very thin one,” Aiden warned with a firm voice.

“Okay,” Sienna conceded. “What else?”

Aiden looked through his files again, then put them away. “Nothing worth mentioning. We’ll stay there a couple of days or at least until we get an answer. Whatever that might be.”

Sienna nodded and smacked her lips. “What now?”

Aiden gave her a sly smile. “We could work on renewing your Mile High Club membership. I think it’s expired.”

Sienna bit her lip and looked around the plane. At the far back of it, Brian was seated and seemed to be reading something on his computer, and their flight attendant was in the cockpit with the pilots. Other than that, the small plane was completely empty.

“Where did you have in mind?” she asked him with a raised brow.

Aiden gestured toward the lavatory. “How about there?”

“That’s so uncreative,” she complained and rolled her eyes.

Aiden got up and sat on the bench-like seat on the left side of the plane. He took Sienna’s hand and pulled her into his lap. She landed in his strong arms and tangled her fingers in his dark brown locks. His eyes were stormy and glazed with desire.

“Brian,” Aiden called, without taking his eyes off her. “Make yourself disappear.”

Sienna’s mouth fell open as she was taken aback by Aiden’s ordering tone, but at the same time her breathing turned quicker because he was so hot when he was bossy. Brian got up without a word and joined the rest of the crew in the cockpit. If she wasn’t so turned on, she’d be embarrassed that the whole plane was aware of what they were about to do.

“Emptying the plane just for you,” Aiden whispered into her hair, his fingers travelling down her back. “Do you like that?”

“Yes,” she breathed.

His fingers trailed harder, leaving marks on her skin and her breathing turned rugged and louder. She grabbed his silky locks and pulled his head back. His eyes met hers and they stared at each other for a long second. She drowned in the storm of lust and desire he had brewing and leaned closer.

Her nose touched his, his breath mixed with hers, and yet they still didn’t kiss. It was as if they were testing their limits, to see how close they can get without getting a dose of their favorite drug.

She caressed his cheek, and despite giving a clean appearance, the slight stubble rubbed against her palms. Her fingers slid from his cheek to his neck where she cupped the back of his head.

His hands still trailed sensual and deep lines down her back in a hypnotizing pattern. The contraction of his biceps was the only warning she got before he repositioned her legs, so she was straddling him. Her breasts were right up in his face, and he closed his eyes and touched them with his lips. Resting his forehead against her chest, he inhaled deeply, then let out a long and shaky exhale. His nails dug into her back as he was on the verge of losing control.

She smoothed and pulled on his locks, feeling the beginnings of wetness down there while he showered her breast with kisses. Her lips moved in slow, circular motions, rubbing against his growing hardness. With every circle, she pulled her breasts away from him only to push them into his face again.

Sienna couldn’t take it anymore and yanked on his head hard enough to make him jerk up with a groan, then pressed her lips against his only to find them searing hot. His tongue invaded and dominated over hers, and when she lost control of her actions, feeling him regaining his balance, he grabbed her hips, stood up, and tossed her down on the beige leather bench.

Aiden let go of her hips to unzip his pants, then grabbed the waist of her skirt along with her panties and yanked them off, breaking the elastic. His wicked smile told her that he knew exactly what he was doing, and Sienna bit her lip in anticipation for him to come closer so she could leave a love mark on him.

Sienna lifted her head to look at his cock, but he didn’t give her pleasure as he grabbed her neck with one hand and squeezed it as if he was choking her. Sienna’s fingers circled around his wrist, and she pulled him closer, wanting him to squeeze harder. He obeyed, leaving the slightest of marks, but all she experienced was his control over her.

Aiden caressed his cock with gentle movements, that were a stark contrast to the way he was touching her. Sienna waited for him, knowing he would enter her in one big thrust and fill her fully with his beautiful hardness.

He leaned forward, leveling his face with hers. One hand still caressed his cock while the other held her in place by her neck.

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