Page 28 of Doc

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"I can deliver babies, but I'm not an obstetrician, Mitzi. There's a doctor at Southern Hill's Hospital in Vegas I can recommend. Her name is Dr. Phillips. She'd be good to talk to, too."

Mitzi sighed and gave a small nod. "I'm scared, Doc."

"Why don't you talk to some of the old ladies with children?"

She snorted loudly. "You think any of them would have anything to do with me?"

I knew that wasn't the case. The old ladies didn't like the club whores and what they were

around for, but I also knew those women were caring and sympathetic and would help Mitzi in any way that they could. Mitzi wasn't one of the club whores who continued to go after their men once they were in a committed relationship.

"Talk to Lulu then." I knew they had a long history together.

"Yes!" she exclaimed, as if the thought of Lulu had just come to her. "I will."

It was dark now. I got to my feet to head inside. Mitzi followed suit.

"So we're not going to talk about what happened earlier today?"

I’d been wondering if she'd have the nerve to bring it up. "Nope. Let's just say our arrangement is done."

I opened the door for her and followed her into the clubhouse. The scene was the typical Saturday night scene. The day had been saved for our families and friends, but the night was for hang arounds and brothers who stayed for drinks and pussy. It always got wild and loud. Mitzi went one way, and I headed toward the back where I saw Demon and the others sitting around a table. Drinks were set in front of them, but I could tell they weren’t paying much attention to them. They were conversing, and judging from their expressions, I’d say they weren’t happy.

“Tell me you didn’t just fuck Mitzi,” Loco said, having clearly drawn the wrong conclusion when he’d seen us enter the clubhouse together.

I gave him a disgusted glare. “You know me better than that, Brother. I like pussy as much as the next man, but Harlow is the only one I want.” I snatched an empty chair from the table next to them and swung it around to their table. I sat down hard with the back of the chair against my front. “Heard anything from Cole?”

“Yeah, went to the fucker’s motel, but they weren’t there,” Demon responded. “Decided instead of riding around looking for them they’d just get a room and wait it out. The bastards will return sooner or later.”

“What’d they do, drag their bikes into the room?” It wouldn’t be the first time.

“Yup,” Trip laughed, leaning back in his chair.

“Well, they’ll certainly have the element of surprise on their side,” I grinned.

“Something to drink, honey?”

I hadn’t even noticed Busty come over. She was a new club whore, and her name suited her. She had the biggest tits I’d ever seen on a woman, and while it was obvious they weren’t real, my brothers didn’t give a fuck. They’d eagerly inducted her into the club the first week she was here.

I shook my head.

“Something else maybe?” There was an invitation in her tone and a sultry look in her eyes that all the club whores had worked hard to perfect. Some of my brothers snickered.

“Like the rest of us at the table, he’s taken.”

She pouted at the news and Sax’s next words were clear and precise. “Best you stick to the single brothers in the club. ‘Less you want trouble with our old ladies.”

With a slight huff she walked off.

“I hope she’s not one who’s going to go out of her way to piss off our women.” Loco’s eyes followed her for a second. “She’s got nice tits, but Millie’s are nicer.”

“Fuck, I don’t want to hear about your old lady’s tits,” Demon snarled.


Demon opened his mouth as if to defend himself, but thought better of it and clamped his mouth shut again. The truth was, we all had smoking hot women who were stacked at both ends. There was nothing to feel jealous about.

My phone alerted me to a text coming in and I reached for it in my pocket. I grinned like a schoolboy with his first crush when I saw Harlow’s text.
