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She made a sound of disbelief. “Well, what the hell is taking those papers so damned long?”

“They’re in the mail. I could get them any day now.” I took a deep breath. “There’s something else. Did you know that Mitzi is pregnant?”

She nodded, a look of regret spreading across her face. “It was bound to happen eventually, even with protection. Nothing is a hundred percent. She says she doesn’t know who the father is, but I think she has a good idea.”

“Who do you think it is?”

She shook her head. “Oh, honey, the only thing I know for certain is that it’s not Demon’s.” She got to her feet. “Do yourself a favor and don’t listen to anything those women say. They’ve watched one man after another get taken away from them, and they don’t like it. Job security, if you know what I mean.” She paused at the door and looked back at me. “Eat your breakfast and come on down. Most of the men are gone, and with all the kids in the house we’re going to have a movie day.”

That sounded like fun, and it would certainly take my mind off what Liam and the others were involved with.

Chapter 19


We knew that crossing over into New Mexico was going to be dangerous, not only because of Wild Bandits, but it was also home to another MC, Soul Reapers, who we were at odds with. We’d had some trouble with them a few years back and handled it accordingly. We had expected payback, but apparently they’d been more interested in using their time and resources to take over Las Cruces. Whether or not they were friendly with Wild Bandits we didn’t know, but we weren’t taking any chances. Because this was a covert mission, Trip and Demon had decided not to notify any clubs of our impending presence in their territory.

Vegas Watchdogs were out in full force, and they were already in Wild Bandits’ area, setting up the perimeter. When Demon got the call that Trip’s intel had come through and he knew where Ruiz, the Bandits president, was, we’d gotten on the road and had headed that way within minutes. There hadn’t been time to say goodbye to Harlow, but I knew she would have been asleep anyway. There’d been no need to wake her. As I’d passed through the bar on my way out, I’d spotted Peaches and Busty just finishing their breakfast. I hadn’t given it a second thought, and had ordered Peaches to take Harlow breakfast later.

Demon, LD, TJ, and Sax were leading the way, with me, as acting enforcer, and Bull behind them. Behind us was a long formation of our club brothers. What was typically an eight-hour ride to Albuquerque, New Mexico had taken us even longer, because we’d taken back roads as much as possible. Seeing the amount of force in our numbers on the highway would have scared civilians, and would probably have alerted law enforcement that something big was about to go down.

Riding back could be a problem though. Wild Bandits had built their compound in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains near the town of Westcliffe. News of a hit was bound to travel fast, because we didn’t plan to leave their clubhouse standing or any man alive. The sound of explosives would travel far and wide. Once our business was over, we’d have to get the fuck out of there, and fast. Demon had already gone over the details of our retreat. Chances were that once we were done dealing with shit, there wouldn’t be any time for chit chat.

The plan was to rendezvous with Trip and his brothers at a predetermined location, a small strip mall in the middle of nowhere that looked like it had been abandoned since the fifties. As we rode into the parking lot, it was easy to see that windows and doors to a lot of the shops had been broken in. The roof had caved in in some places, the walls had collapsed. The lights on our bikes revealed the VWs and their riders were inside one of the gutted buildings. They’d arrived during daylight and hadn’t wanted to take any chances that someone might see them out in the open.

We pulled up close and shut our bikes down, dismounted, and then headed toward the building. Trip and some of his men stepped outside and walked up to Demon.

“Took you long enough.”

Demon laughed. “Fuck you, Brother. We’re here now.”

Trip took a deep breath, his expression turning serious. “Ran into a little unexpected problem on the way here. Intercepted a shipment for Wild Bandits.”

My gut clenched in preparation for bad news.

“The guns?”
