Page 78 of Doc

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“You save my brother and I’ll let you both go.” He motioned to the bed where his brother lay.

It was obvious that the man was already gone, and it was obvious from the way that Bronx had said it that he knew it, too. “You’re a fucking dead man,” I snarled. And I didn’t care if he took me with him.

Bronx laughed, and ran his nose up and down the side of Harlow’s neck, making a loud show of breathing her in. She shuddered. “Took me a while to subdue her, but it was worth it.” He made a disgusting sound. “Smells so sweet. Tastes sweet, too.” He ran the knife’s blade over her skin but didn’t cut her.

He’d cut her in other places, though. From where I stood, I could tell they were superficial, but that was little consolation. I was going to take that fucking knife from him and gut him with it.

I knew that he was baiting me. Tears lined Harlow’s cheeks, the sight tearing my heart out. I wasn’t sure if her tears were from fear or pain, or maybe a little of both. I wanted to talk to her, to soothe her in some way, but I had to keep my concentration on Bronx. I could easily take him out from where I stood, but I was too afraid to hit Harlow to act on it.

Movement out of the corner of my eye revealed that Tamara had come into the room. She was smart enough to take a wide berth around me as she inched closer to where Bronx was.

“Just kill her and get it over with,” Tamara said once she felt safe. “I want the Desert Rebels to hurt for what they did to me.”

Maybe she hadn’t seen my brothers after all.Wehadn’t done anything to her. She’d done it to herself by going along with Junior when he had tried to take over the club.

“Harlow, babe—”

The slightest smile spread across her bloody lip.

“Harlow, babe,” Tamara mimicked in a nasty tone. “I bet she doesn’t know you used to fuck me.”

“Shut it, bitch,” Bronx snarled. “What the fucking Desert Rebels did to you isn’t important.” He pinned his black eyes on me. “They’re going to pay for my brother. Just like the fucking Vegas Watchdogs will pay.”

I wondered how he was going to do that. He was only one man. There was a curtainless window behind Bronx. I caught sight of Savage before he ducked out of sight. “Let Harlow go and take me,” I suggested, knowing that he wouldn’t go for it, but I had to kill time to give my brothers a chance to get into place. “She has nothing to do with this. We’re the ones who took out your club.”

“It fucking matters to me!” Tamara screamed back at Bronx, her face turning red. “When we hooked up you promised me! I’ve helped you! I got you the girl! Did everything you asked—”

Girl?I wondered if that was the girl we had seen running away from Monk.

Bronx ignored Tamara’s rant, giving me a smirk. “She matters, or you wouldn’t be here. Right, darlin’?” He licked the side of Harlow’s face, causing her to wince with distaste and my blood to boil.

I was going to cut his fucking tongue out, and then I was going to cut off his hands for putting them on her. I’d never felt such murderous rage before, and it didn’t even scare me. “You’re a dead man.”

He snorted. “So you keep saying, but I don’t see you doing anything about it.”

I decided to give him something else to think about. “Aren’t you wondering why Monk hasn’t returned by now?”

His expression sobered some, and for the first time I saw worry on Bronx’s face. It was clear that he was trying to work out how I knew about Monk. I wanted to grin but kept my expression neutral. For a few seconds I shifted my gaze to Harlow and gave her a wink to let her know that everything was going to be okay. Her slight smile was my response, but it didn’t diminish the pain in her eyes.

I caught the slightest movement in the room behind Bronx. I couldn’t tell if it was Savage or Cole, but it didn’t matter. I was just glad that they were there. Thank fuck they had kept hidden, because Tamara had a clear view to the doorway.

Bronx pinned his hard gaze on Tamara and gave a jerk of his head. “Go check to see if you see anything.”

As soon as she left the room, Savage made his move. Cole was right behind him. They snuck up behind Bronx. Savage put his gun to the back of his head and cocked it, the sound overloud in the room. Bronx stiffened when he realized what was going on, but he didn’t move.

“Drop the fucking knife and release the woman,” Savage demanded in a bone-chilling tone of voice, “or I’ll use the knife on you.”

Savage had been a professional assassin before joining up with the Desert Rebels. Still did jobs once in a while. It wasn’t the first time I’d seen him in action, but watching him now, so poised and deadly, without an ounce of fear of failure, gave me chills. I could understand why he’d been so successful at killing people.

I watched as Bronx tightened his grip around the handle of the knife, and I felt a moment of fear. A man in his position was unpredictable. I walked up to him and grabbed the knife, tossed it across the room, and then pulled Harlow away from him.

“Baby.” I curled my arms around her and walked us away from the situation.

“I knew you would come for me,” she murmured against my chest.

“Never doubt it,” I said against her temple. “Let me take a look at your wounds.”

She shook her head vigorously. “Not now. Kelly. We have to find her!” There was no disguising the panic in her voice as she stepped out of my arms.
