Page 90 of Doc

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“Don’t make this harder than it has to be.”

I decided to put my thoughts and frustration into words. “Are you breaking up with me? Because I have to tell you, that won’t work for me. I was warned that something like this might happen, but I didn’t expect it to happen the first time I found myself in trouble. I sensed a change in you earlier today, but I brushed it aside, thinking that I’d imagined it. Everything was good between us until I got kidnapped. Now you think I’ll be better off without you, right?” My voice raised an octave with every word I uttered.

“You think you know what I’m thinking?” he scowled, fisting his hands like he was ready for a fight.

I stepped up to him and got right in his face, not caring that I was causing a scene, scared that I was going to lose him. “I’ve been educated!” Snickers sounded throughout the room, but I ignored them. “Some of the old ladies—”

“Oh, shit!” someone said behind me.

“—told me what to expect when you idiots—”

His brows shot up.

“—get it in your thick skulls that the only way to keep us safe is to get rid of us!” I was so worked up that I could feel my heart pounding. The dark flush spreading across Liam’s face told me that he was getting pissed.

“Leave the rest of us out of it,” Demon barked, clearly not amused.

Both Liam and I snapped our heads in his direction briefly before facing each other again as if Demon hadn’t said anything. I guessed that he’d taken offense to being called an idiot. I ignored him.

“If you don’t love me anymore and you want me to leave, that’s one thing, but if you want me gone because you’re scared that I’ll get hurt, then tough shit! I’m not going anywhere! It’s time you men realize that just because we’re women doesn’t mean that we can’t handle what life in your precious club hands out!” I sucked in a breath before continuing. “And another thing—” I thought about the way that he’d used the club girls to hurt me, and I grabbed the edges of his cut for emphasis. I gave a jerk, which did absolutely nothing to move his large frame. “—if I catch you with another woman, I’ll make it so you won’t be able to have sex for a long time!”

A quiet Liam was a dangerous Liam, and he stood glaring down at me with fire burning brightly in his eyes. I watched a muscle twitch in his clenched jaw. His mouth was so tight that it was white. It was clear to see that his emotions were boiling on the surface, and the longer we stared each other down, the more I began to get nervous. My heart raced as the laughter in the room gradually died down.

Why didn’t he react? Say something? Anything? Had I misinterpreted his reaction in the shower? Was I overthinking it?

“You done?” he muttered between his teeth.

The intensity of his gaze made me hot. Why did anger look so good on him? I swallowed, nodded, and released his cut, suddenly realizing that I’d gone too far. I’d caused a scene in front of his brothers, had said some things that I probably shouldn’t have, and I couldn’t remember the last time I’d lost control like that. I felt burning tears fill my eyes and bit my bottom lip to keep from saying something that would only make things worse.

“You gonna let your woman talk to you like that, Doc?”

Was that Oz? I glared at him like the troublemaker he was.

“Yeah, show her who’s fucking boss!” one of his brothers demanded with humor in his voice.

Liam leaned in and grated close to my face, “Our women disrespect us in public, there are consequences!”

My eyes rounded at the underlining threat.

“Guess you weren’t educated about that now, were you? Now I must teach you a lesson.”

A lesson? None of the old ladies had told me anything about any lessons.

“If I didn’t know you were still bruised and hurting, I’d toss you over my shoulder and carry you to our room.”

My jaw dropped at his threat.

“I still might if you don’t turn your pretty little ass around and head there on your own.”

I wanted to balk at Liam’s authoritative, bossy attitude, to tell him where to go. But something warned me that this was important. I scanned the room, seeing the anticipation stamped on some of the men’s faces. That they were amused was apparent. Except for Demon—he didn’t look amused. He looked scary. His expression said that if Liam didn’t do something about me, he would.

I turned and walked calmly to Liam’s room, aware that he was right behind me. I knew that he wouldn’t hurt me, not physically anyway. I opened the door and walked to the center of his room before stopping, too scared and embarrassed to turn around and face him. Those few steps from the bar to where I was now had given me a chance to calm down enough to realize that I’d messed up. If he hadn’t had the idea of sending me away before, he surely did now.

I swallowed and wet my lips. “I’m sorry if I jumped to conclusions.” I turned to face him, and our eyes connected.

“You didn’t. You’re spot on with what I’m thinking.”

I was sure the surprise showed on my face. Dread kept me quiet. Liam had more to say, I could tell, and I didn’t want him to close himself off to me. He moved to the window and faced outside. I could see the muscle working in his jaw.
